> Well, I run glibc-2.2.1 as well, so that might be one of the factors
> contributing to this. Then again, glibc-2.2.1 with ext2 does not cause any
> problems whatsoever with mozilla. So it could be that reiserfs + glibc-2.2.1 is
> a bad combination, question remains which of these two is the culprit (if not
> both). Since glibc-2.2.2 is out, I will give that a try as well. Not tonight
> though...
> And no, I'm not running RedHat 7.x for those who might think so (and
> automatically blame everything on it).
> When did you switch to glibc-2.2.1? Were you running reiserfs before that?
> Cheers//Frank
Yes I was running reiserfs before 2.2.1 and I switched to 2.2.1 a couple
months ago. Since then I've been dealing with issues. I've had to
recompile half a dozen things similar to sendmail, apache etc. They
segfaulted. It wasn't as purely backward compatible as expected.
I typically compile everything on one machine and distribute it. Thus
far everything has been ok save a few issues I haven't been able to pin
down. One of these issues is the inability to compile mozilla. Also
related, I can't recompile gcc 2.95.2.
All of these things I was able to do just fine before the changeover.
To note, I used to cvs up mozilla and recompile it every few days. I
suppose I'll build an ext2 system and try things out.
Oh btw, I don't run That distribution either.
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