Thomas Widmann wrote:
> ...
> * Andrew Morton wrote:
> >
> >
> > You just write a bitmask into it.
> Thanks for this information. I patched my the kernel with it.
> After rebooting with the new kernel i can see the bitmask
> for every process running on my server.
> #cat /proc/1310/cpus_allowed
> ffffffff
> Now, if i want to run this process on only one cpu, i which way
> do i have to set the bitmask ?
> Let's say, i want to run it on cpu0. how look's the bitmask ?
Each bit corresponds to a logical CPU on which the task
is permitted to run. So 1->CPU0, 2->CPU1, 5->CPU0+CPU2, etc.
But it does seem there are problems with the scheduler
which occur when cpus_allowed it not all-ones. I didn't
observe any problems in the 1-2 hours testing which I
needed that patch for, so it should be OK for experimentation
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