
I don't recall seeing this problem in 2.4.0...

quotaon: using /home/vhosts/b/quota.user on /dev/sda3: Invalid argument
quotaon: using /home/vhosts/a/quota.user on /dev/sdb1: Invalid argument

Here's my ver_linux:

Linux omega 2.4.1-ac15 #1 SMP Thu Feb 15 21:33:19 PST 2001 i686 unknown
Gnu C                  2.95.2
Gnu make               3.79.1
util-linux             2.10f
modutils               2.4.1
e2fsprogs              1.19
Linux C Library        2.1.3
ldd: version 1.9.11
Procps                 2.0.6
Net-tools              1.54
Kbd                    0.99
Sh-utils               2.0

I'm using quota-2.00.  Any ideas?  Is this a bad message?

Vibol Hou
KhmerConnection, http://khmer.cc
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