** Reply to message from "Mike A. Harris" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on
Tue, 13 Feb 2001 03:53:13 -0500 (EST)
> >I disagree, and while I may be in the minority on this list, I am certainly
> >not in the minority across the board, given that virtually every mailing list
> >I am subscribed to DOES prepend a tag to the subject line.
> Which is retarded. The subject line is for the subject. Other
> headers exist for letting one know where they came from.
There's only one problem with this. It assumes that for every mailing list you
are on, you will have a folder into which all such email is placed.
I subscribe to about 35 mailing lists, many of which have low traffic. I don't
want to create a separate folder for each list. Because most of these mailing
lists are on Yahoo Groups, I get a nice prefix to each subject line that tells
me the mailing list. In can then filter all of these messages into one folder.
So instead of having to scan 20 folders, I only need to scan one.
The point I'm trying to make is that there are perfectly valid reasons to
include some text on the subject line to indicate the mailing list. People who
feel this way may be in the majority, but then again, people who use Linux are
also in the majority. Does that make them wrong or "retarded"? No.
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