Quoting Borislav Petkov <b...@alien8.de>:

> Yep, looks better than the previous run and also a bit better or on par
> with the initial run I did.

I made few further changes, mainly moving/interleaving 'vmovq/vpextrq' ahead
so they should be completed before those target registers are needed. This
only gave 0.5% increase on Sandy-bridge, but might help more on Bulldozer.


 arch/x86/crypto/twofish-avx-x86_64-asm_64.S |  205 +++++++++++++++++----------
 1 file changed, 130 insertions(+), 75 deletions(-)

diff --git a/arch/x86/crypto/twofish-avx-x86_64-asm_64.S 
index 35f4557..6638a87 100644
--- a/arch/x86/crypto/twofish-avx-x86_64-asm_64.S
+++ b/arch/x86/crypto/twofish-avx-x86_64-asm_64.S
@@ -4,6 +4,8 @@
  * Copyright (C) 2012 Johannes Goetzfried
  *     <johannes.goetzfr...@informatik.stud.uni-erlangen.de>
+ * Copyright © 2012 Jussi Kivilinna <jussi.kivili...@mbnet.fi>
+ *
  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
  * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
@@ -47,16 +49,21 @@
 #define RC2 %xmm6
 #define RD2 %xmm7
-#define RX %xmm8
-#define RY %xmm9
+#define RX0 %xmm8
+#define RY0 %xmm9
+#define RX1 %xmm10
+#define RY1 %xmm11
-#define RK1 %xmm10
-#define RK2 %xmm11
+#define RK1 %xmm12
+#define RK2 %xmm13
-#define RID1  %rax
-#define RID1b %al
-#define RID2  %rbx
-#define RID2b %bl
+#define RT %xmm14
+#define RID1  %rbp
+#define RID1d %ebp
+#define RID2  %rsi
+#define RID2d %esi
 #define RGI1   %rdx
 #define RGI1bl %dl
@@ -65,6 +72,13 @@
 #define RGI2bl %cl
 #define RGI2bh %ch
+#define RGI3   %rax
+#define RGI3bl %al
+#define RGI3bh %ah
+#define RGI4   %rbx
+#define RGI4bl %bl
+#define RGI4bh %bh
 #define RGS1  %r8
 #define RGS1d %r8d
 #define RGS2  %r9
@@ -73,40 +87,53 @@
 #define RGS3d %r10d
-#define lookup_32bit(t0, t1, t2, t3, src, dst) \
-       movb            src ## bl,        RID1b;     \
-       movb            src ## bh,        RID2b;     \
+#define lookup_32bit(t0, t1, t2, t3, src, dst, interleave_op, il_reg) \
+       movzbl          src ## bl,        RID1d;     \
+       movzbl          src ## bh,        RID2d;     \
+       shrq $16,       src;                         \
        movl            t0(CTX, RID1, 4), dst ## d;  \
        xorl            t1(CTX, RID2, 4), dst ## d;  \
-       shrq $16,       src;                         \
-       movb            src ## bl,        RID1b;     \
-       movb            src ## bh,        RID2b;     \
+       movzbl          src ## bl,        RID1d;     \
+       movzbl          src ## bh,        RID2d;     \
+       interleave_op(il_reg);                       \
        xorl            t2(CTX, RID1, 4), dst ## d;  \
        xorl            t3(CTX, RID2, 4), dst ## d;
-#define G(a, x, t0, t1, t2, t3) \
-       vmovq           a,    RGI1;               \
-       vpsrldq $8,     a,    x;                  \
-       vmovq           x,    RGI2;               \
-       \
-       lookup_32bit(t0, t1, t2, t3, RGI1, RGS1); \
-       shrq $16,       RGI1;                     \
-       lookup_32bit(t0, t1, t2, t3, RGI1, RGS2); \
-       shlq $32,       RGS2;                     \
-       orq             RGS1, RGS2;               \
+#define dummy(d) /* do nothing */
+#define shr_next(reg) \
+       shrq $16,       reg;
+#define G(gi1, gi2, x, t0, t1, t2, t3) \
+       lookup_32bit(t0, t1, t2, t3, ##gi1, RGS1, shr_next, ##gi1);  \
+       lookup_32bit(t0, t1, t2, t3, ##gi1, RGS2, dummy, none);      \
+       shlq $32,       RGS2;                                        \
+       orq             RGS1, RGS2;                                  \
-       lookup_32bit(t0, t1, t2, t3, RGI2, RGS1); \
-       shrq $16,       RGI2;                     \
-       lookup_32bit(t0, t1, t2, t3, RGI2, RGS3); \
-       shlq $32,       RGS3;                     \
-       orq             RGS1, RGS3;               \
+       lookup_32bit(t0, t1, t2, t3, ##gi2, RGS3, shr_next, ##gi2);  \
+       lookup_32bit(t0, t1, t2, t3, ##gi2, RGS1, dummy, none);      \
+       shlq $32,       RGS1;                                        \
+       orq             RGS1, RGS3;                                  \
-       vmovq           RGS2, x;                  \
+       vmovq           RGS2, x;                                     \
        vpinsrq $1,     RGS3, x, x;
-#define encround(a, b, c, d, x, y) \
-       G(a, x, s0, s1, s2, s3);           \
-       G(b, y, s1, s2, s3, s0);           \
+#define encround_head_2(a, b, c, d, x1, y1, x2, y2) \
+       vmovq                   b ## 1, RGI3;   \
+       vpextrq $1,             b ## 1, RGI4;   \
+       G(RGI1, RGI2, x1, s0, s1, s2, s3);      \
+       vmovq                   a ## 2, RGI1;   \
+       vpextrq $1,             a ## 2, RGI2;   \
+       G(RGI3, RGI4, y1, s1, s2, s3, s0);      \
+       vmovq                   b ## 2, RGI3;   \
+       vpextrq $1,             b ## 2, RGI4;   \
+       G(RGI1, RGI2, x2, s0, s1, s2, s3);      \
+       G(RGI3, RGI4, y2, s1, s2, s3, s0);
+#define encround_tail(a, b, c, d, x, y) \
+       vpslld $1,              d, RT;     \
+       vpsrld $(32 - 1),       d, d;      \
+       vpor                    d, RT,  d; \
        vpaddd                  x, y,   x; \
        vpaddd                  y, x,   y; \
        vpaddd                  x, RK1, x; \
@@ -115,14 +142,24 @@
        vpsrld $1,              c, x;      \
        vpslld $(32 - 1),       c, c;      \
        vpor                    c, x,   c; \
-       vpslld $1,              d, x;      \
-       vpsrld $(32 - 1),       d, d;      \
-       vpor                    d, x,   d; \
        vpxor                   d, y,   d;
-#define decround(a, b, c, d, x, y) \
-       G(a, x, s0, s1, s2, s3);           \
-       G(b, y, s1, s2, s3, s0);           \
+#define decround_head_2(a, b, c, d, x1, y1, x2, y2) \
+       vmovq                   b ## 1, RGI3;   \
+       vpextrq $1,             b ## 1, RGI4;   \
+       G(RGI1, RGI2, x1, s0, s1, s2, s3);      \
+       vmovq                   a ## 2, RGI1;   \
+       vpextrq $1,             a ## 2, RGI2;   \
+       G(RGI3, RGI4, y1, s1, s2, s3, s0);      \
+       vmovq                   b ## 2, RGI3;   \
+       vpextrq $1,             b ## 2, RGI4;   \
+       G(RGI1, RGI2, x2, s0, s1, s2, s3);      \
+       G(RGI3, RGI4, y2, s1, s2, s3, s0);
+#define decround_tail(a, b, c, d, x, y) \
+       vpslld $1,              c, RT;     \
+       vpsrld $(32 - 1),       c, c;      \
+       vpor                    c, RT,  c; \
        vpaddd                  x, y,   x; \
        vpaddd                  y, x,   y; \
        vpaddd                  y, RK2, y; \
@@ -130,32 +167,44 @@
        vpsrld $1,              d, y;      \
        vpslld $(32 - 1),       d, d;      \
        vpor                    d, y,   d; \
-       vpslld $1,              c, y;      \
-       vpsrld $(32 - 1),       c, c;      \
-       vpor                    c, y,   c; \
        vpaddd                  x, RK1, x; \
        vpxor                   x, c,   c;
-#define encrypt_round(n, a, b, c, d) \
-       vbroadcastss (k+4*(2*(n)))(CTX),   RK1;           \
-       vbroadcastss (k+4*(2*(n)+1))(CTX), RK2;           \
-       encround(a ## 1, b ## 1, c ## 1, d ## 1, RX, RY); \
-       encround(a ## 2, b ## 2, c ## 2, d ## 2, RX, RY);
-#define decrypt_round(n, a, b, c, d) \
-       vbroadcastss (k+4*(2*(n)))(CTX),   RK1;           \
-       vbroadcastss (k+4*(2*(n)+1))(CTX), RK2;           \
-       decround(a ## 1, b ## 1, c ## 1, d ## 1, RX, RY); \
-       decround(a ## 2, b ## 2, c ## 2, d ## 2, RX, RY);
+#define preload_rgi(c) \
+       vmovq                   c, RGI1; \
+       vpextrq $1,             c, RGI2;
+#define encrypt_round(n, a, b, c, d, preload) \
+       vbroadcastss (k+4*(2*(n)))(CTX),   RK1;                  \
+       vbroadcastss (k+4*(2*(n)+1))(CTX), RK2;                  \
+       encround_head_2(a, b, c, d, RX0, RY0, RX1, RY1);         \
+       encround_tail(a ## 1, b ## 1, c ## 1, d ## 1, RX0, RY0); \
+       preload(c ## 1);                                         \
+       encround_tail(a ## 2, b ## 2, c ## 2, d ## 2, RX1, RY1);
+#define decrypt_round(n, a, b, c, d, preload) \
+       vbroadcastss (k+4*(2*(n)))(CTX),   RK1;                  \
+       vbroadcastss (k+4*(2*(n)+1))(CTX), RK2;                  \
+       decround_head_2(a, b, c, d, RX0, RY0, RX1, RY1);         \
+       decround_tail(a ## 1, b ## 1, c ## 1, d ## 1, RX0, RY0); \
+       preload(c ## 1);                                         \
+       decround_tail(a ## 2, b ## 2, c ## 2, d ## 2, RX1, RY1);
 #define encrypt_cycle(n) \
-       encrypt_round((2*n), RA, RB, RC, RD);       \
-       encrypt_round(((2*n) + 1), RC, RD, RA, RB);
+       encrypt_round((2*n), RA, RB, RC, RD, preload_rgi); \
+       encrypt_round(((2*n) + 1), RC, RD, RA, RB, preload_rgi);
+#define encrypt_cycle_last(n) \
+       encrypt_round((2*n), RA, RB, RC, RD, preload_rgi); \
+       encrypt_round(((2*n) + 1), RC, RD, RA, RB, dummy);
 #define decrypt_cycle(n) \
-       decrypt_round(((2*n) + 1), RC, RD, RA, RB); \
-       decrypt_round((2*n), RA, RB, RC, RD);
+       decrypt_round(((2*n) + 1), RC, RD, RA, RB, preload_rgi); \
+       decrypt_round((2*n), RA, RB, RC, RD, preload_rgi);
+#define decrypt_cycle_last(n) \
+       decrypt_round(((2*n) + 1), RC, RD, RA, RB, preload_rgi); \
+       decrypt_round((2*n), RA, RB, RC, RD, dummy);
 #define transpose_4x4(x0, x1, x2, x3, t0, t1, t2) \
        vpunpckldq              x1, x0, t0; \
@@ -216,17 +265,19 @@ __twofish_enc_blk_8way:
         *      %rcx: bool, if true: xor output
+       pushq %rbp;
        pushq %rbx;
        pushq %rcx;
        vmovdqu w(CTX), RK1;
        leaq (4*4*4)(%rdx), %rax;
-       inpack_blocks(%rdx, RA1, RB1, RC1, RD1, RK1, RX, RY, RK2);
-       inpack_blocks(%rax, RA2, RB2, RC2, RD2, RK1, RX, RY, RK2);
+       inpack_blocks(%rdx, RA1, RB1, RC1, RD1, RK1, RX0, RY0, RK2);
+       vmovq           RA1, RGI1;
+       vpextrq $1,     RA1, RGI2;
+       inpack_blocks(%rax, RA2, RB2, RC2, RD2, RK1, RX0, RY0, RK2);
-       xorq RID1, RID1;
-       xorq RID2, RID2;
+       movq %rsi, %r11;
@@ -235,26 +286,27 @@ __twofish_enc_blk_8way:
-       encrypt_cycle(7);
+       encrypt_cycle_last(7);
        vmovdqu (w+4*4)(CTX), RK1;
        popq %rcx;
        popq %rbx;
+       popq %rbp;
-       leaq (4*4*4)(%rsi), %rax;
+       leaq (4*4*4)(%r11), %rax;
        testb %cl, %cl;
        jnz __enc_xor8;
-       outunpack_blocks(%rsi, RC1, RD1, RA1, RB1, RK1, RX, RY, RK2);
-       outunpack_blocks(%rax, RC2, RD2, RA2, RB2, RK1, RX, RY, RK2);
+       outunpack_blocks(%r11, RC1, RD1, RA1, RB1, RK1, RX0, RY0, RK2);
+       outunpack_blocks(%rax, RC2, RD2, RA2, RB2, RK1, RX0, RY0, RK2);
-       outunpack_xor_blocks(%rsi, RC1, RD1, RA1, RB1, RK1, RX, RY, RK2);
-       outunpack_xor_blocks(%rax, RC2, RD2, RA2, RB2, RK1, RX, RY, RK2);
+       outunpack_xor_blocks(%r11, RC1, RD1, RA1, RB1, RK1, RX0, RY0, RK2);
+       outunpack_xor_blocks(%rax, RC2, RD2, RA2, RB2, RK1, RX0, RY0, RK2);
@@ -269,16 +321,18 @@ twofish_dec_blk_8way:
         *      %rdx: src
+       pushq %rbp;
        pushq %rbx;
        vmovdqu (w+4*4)(CTX), RK1;
        leaq (4*4*4)(%rdx), %rax;
-       inpack_blocks(%rdx, RC1, RD1, RA1, RB1, RK1, RX, RY, RK2);
-       inpack_blocks(%rax, RC2, RD2, RA2, RB2, RK1, RX, RY, RK2);
+       inpack_blocks(%rdx, RC1, RD1, RA1, RB1, RK1, RX0, RY0, RK2);
+       vmovq           RC1, RGI1;
+       vpextrq $1,     RC1, RGI2;
+       inpack_blocks(%rax, RC2, RD2, RA2, RB2, RK1, RX0, RY0, RK2);
-       xorq RID1, RID1;
-       xorq RID2, RID2;
+       movq %rsi, %r11;
@@ -287,14 +341,15 @@ twofish_dec_blk_8way:
-       decrypt_cycle(0);
+       decrypt_cycle_last(0);
        vmovdqu (w)(CTX), RK1;
        popq %rbx;
+       popq %rbp;
-       leaq (4*4*4)(%rsi), %rax;
-       outunpack_blocks(%rsi, RA1, RB1, RC1, RD1, RK1, RX, RY, RK2);
-       outunpack_blocks(%rax, RA2, RB2, RC2, RD2, RK1, RX, RY, RK2);
+       leaq (4*4*4)(%r11), %rax;
+       outunpack_blocks(%r11, RA1, RB1, RC1, RD1, RK1, RX0, RY0, RK2);
+       outunpack_blocks(%rax, RA2, RB2, RC2, RD2, RK1, RX0, RY0, RK2);

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