>I've seen in recently purchased computers that the very initial
>messages, like memory test, are masked by some kind of picture or logo
>(example are the HP kayaks). They display a message saying that pressing
>ESC or some function key displays the messages. Why not having the same
>in this pretty boot option. I wouldn't mind not seeing all those

Not good enough in isolation.  Suppose the kernel freezes at a very early
stage, such as while detecting the CPU(s) or PCI bridge - are your geeky
reaction times fast enough to dismiss the logo in time to see the relevant
messages?  I agree with others that this should be a boot option - and not
one that needs said option to switch it off (though there should be one).

Eg: in lilo.conf use append = "bootlogo" to turn the logo on (it should
always be off by default, but can be turned on by distro makers or
end-users) - but then if you type "linux nologo" at the LILO prompt, the
"nologo" should over-ride the "bootlogo" so there's always a way to see all
the messages.

from:     Jonathan "Chromatix" Morton
mail:     [EMAIL PROTECTED]  (not for attachments)

The key to knowledge is not to rely on people to teach you it.

Get VNC Server for Macintosh from http://www.chromatix.uklinux.net/vnc/

Version 3.12
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PE- Y+ PGP++ t- 5- X- R !tv b++ DI+++ D G e+ h+ r- y+

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