On Sun, Feb 11, 2001 at 09:02:19PM +0100, you [Pavel Machek] claimed:
> Hi!
> > I am experiencing a problem with both 2.4.0 and 2.4.1. The problem is that
> > at seemingly random times the console locks up. After the lockup I can no
> > longer type and the mouse is frozen. As far as I can tell, other systems
> > services are not affected, i.e. programs continue to run, music is being
> > played, I/O is fine. It looks like _only_ the console devices are locked
> > up.
> Login via network or serial cable, and see if /proc/interrupts entry
> for keyboard/mouse changes as you type. Attempt to blink keyboard leds
> with setleds.

Also, try killing gpm.

-- v --

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