Dear all,
The board I used has two pieces of RAM. The virtual address start at 0x0000
0000 and
0x0200 0000. One is 4 MB(0x0000 0000) and the other is 16 MB(0x0200 0000).
orginal file is writted as the following. How could I modify this file to
match my
target board?
* memory.c: memory initialisation code.
* Copyright (C) Harald Koerfgen
* Copyright (C) Jim Pick
* Copyright (C) Pavel Machek
* $Id: memory.c,v 1.16 2000/07/09 03:36:18 nop Exp $
#include <asm/addrspace.h>
#include <asm/r39xx.h>
#include <asm/bootinfo.h>
#include <asm/page.h>
#include <linux/init.h>
#include <linux/config.h>
#include <linux/string.h>
#include <linux/mm.h>
#include <linux/bootmem.h>
/* 應該不是用vitec_helio,所以會跑other ---->This line is Chinese(Big5) */
/* We don't use VTECH_HELIO. So the CONFIG_VTECH_HELIO is not defined */
#define PROM_DEBUG
extern int prom_printf(char * fmt, ...);
int main_memory = CONFIG_MAIN_MEMORY; /* We should autoconfigure this. For
now, just let the user select. */
int exp_memory = CONFIG_EXP_MEMORY;
#define MEGA (1024*1024)
extern char _end;
extern char _fdata;
#define PFN_UP(x) (((x) + PAGE_SIZE-1) >> PAGE_SHIFT)
#define PFN_DOWN(x) ((x) >> PAGE_SHIFT)
#define PFN_ALIGN(x) (((unsigned long)(x) + (PAGE_SIZE - 1)) & PAGE_MASK)
/* Modyfied by Green 2001/02/07 */
/* This function show the message through COM port */
extern int Jprom_printf(const char * fmt, ...);
#define Jprom_printf(fmt, a...)
/* End of modification*/
#ifdef CONFIG_VTECH_HELIO /* We didn't go here insteal of
prom_meminit_other() */
static void __init prom_meminit_helio(void)
static void __init prom_meminit_other(void)
extern unsigned long videomemory;
unsigned long free_start;
unsigned long free_end;
unsigned long start_pfn;
unsigned long bootmap_size;
unsigned long ramspace;
static char vidmem[(320 * 240 / 2) + PAGE_SIZE - 1];
/* Okay the Helio has an odd memory layout, split into 4 banks of 2M
* at the following places:
* 0x00000000
* 0x00400000
* 0x02000000
* 0x02400000 (add 0x80000000 for virtual address)
* We allocate the bootmem as a continuous bank and then free up the
* relevant memory holes. Of these the kernel will be using some
* of the first bank so be careful how we deal with it.
videomemory = KSEG0ADDR(PFN_ALIGN(vidmem));
start_pfn = PFN_UP((unsigned long)&_end);
free_start = PHYSADDR(PFN_ALIGN(&_end));
/* What's worse, the emulator implements two 4M banks at
* 0x0000 and 0x0200. Fixing soon, but until then:
ramspace = 0x02400000; /* With holes!! */
free_end = 0x00400000;
Jprom_printf("--------------------------->ramspace: 0x%08x\n", ramspace);
bootmap_size = init_bootmem(start_pfn, ramspace >> PAGE_SHIFT);
/* Free up the *two* memory banks */
free_bootmem(free_start + bootmap_size, free_end - free_start -
free_bootmem(0x02000000, 0x00400000);
ramspace = 0x02600000; /* With holes!! */
free_end = 0x00200000;
bootmap_size = init_bootmem(start_pfn, ramspace >> PAGE_SHIFT);
Jprom_printf("_end = 0x%08x-------->_end \n",&_end);
Jprom_printf("start_pfn = 0x%08x-------->FPN_UP() \n",start_pfn);
Jprom_printf("free_start = 0x%08x-------->PHYSADDR \n",free_start);
Jprom_printf("free_end = 0x%08x-------->0x00200000 \n",free_end);
Jprom_printf("bootmap_size =
Jprom_printf("PAGE_SHIFT = 0x%08x-------->PAGE_SHIFT \n",PAGE_SHIFT);
Jprom_printf("ramspace = 0x%08x-------->0x02600000 \n",ramspace);
/* Free up the four memory banks */
free_bootmem(free_start + bootmap_size, free_end - free_start -
free_bootmem(0x00400000, 0x00200000);
free_bootmem(0x02000000, 0x00200000);
free_bootmem(0x02400000, 0x00200000);
//#ifdef CONFIG_FB
// extern unsigned long videomemory;
// unsigned long free_start, free_end, start_pfn, bootmap_size;
// unsigned long mem_size = main_memory*MEGA;
// free_end = mem_size;
// if (exp_memory)
// mem_size = 0x02000000 | (exp_memory*MEGA);
// free_start = PHYSADDR(PFN_ALIGN(&_end));
// start_pfn = PFN_UP((unsigned long)&_end);
// #ifdef CONFIG_FB
* This has to be in line with VIDEORAM_SIZE in r3912fb.c
// switch (mips_machtype) {
// case MACH_R39XX_COMPAQ:
//modified by Jao
//free_end -= 640*240;
// free_end -= 320*240;
// videomemory = KSEG0ADDR(free_end);
// break;
// free_end -= 480*240/2; /* Velo has actually 2 different bit depths, this
is for 4bit.
// It is bigger that's why it is used here. */
// videomemory = KSEG0ADDR(free_end);
// break;
// free_end -= 240*320/2;
// free_end &= PAGE_MASK;
// videomemory = KSEG0ADDR(free_end);
// break;
// default:
// break;
// }
//#ifdef PROM_DEBUG
// prom_printf("free_start: 0x%08x\n", free_start);
// prom_printf("free_end: 0x%08x\n", free_end);
// prom_printf("start_pfn: 0x%08x\n", start_pfn);
// #ifdef CONFIG_FB
// prom_printf("videomemory: 0x%08x\n", videomemory);
// #endif
/* Register all the contiguous memory with the bootmem allocator
and free it. Be careful about the bootmem freemap. */
// bootmap_size = init_bootmem(start_pfn, mem_size >> PAGE_SHIFT);
// free_bootmem(free_start + bootmap_size, free_end - free_start -
// if (exp_memory)
// free_bootmem(0x02000000, exp_memory*MEGA);
void __init prom_meminit(void)
Jprom_printf("------->Here to go to prom_meminit_helio\n");
Jprom_printf("------->Here to go to prom_meminit_other\n");
int __init page_is_ram(unsigned long pagenr)
return 1;
/* Called from mem_init() to fixup the mem_map page settings. */
void __init prom_fixup_mem_map(unsigned long start, unsigned long end)
void prom_free_prom_memory (void)
* It's Green!! (萬林明)
* TEL: 886-2-23776100 ext.620
* Working at III(資策會)
* 台北市大安區敦化南路二段216號12F
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