Patch for drivers/net/eepro100.c in kernel 2.4.1 (and before).
For some of the bugged Intel EtherExpress Pro 100 network cards,
although the driver diagnoses the receiver lock-up bug, the workaround
is not enabled. It appears that the test for the diagnostic and the test
for the workaround activation are different. I assumed the diagnostic
test is OK and I changed the work-around activation test. I had several
Intel ISP1100 boxes with the bug diagnosed, but the workaround not enabled,
and after the patch, the workaround is activated and the boxes seem to
be alright even under very high network trafic (they were failing before,
due to the card bug, I think).
Attached is the tarball of the patch, I believe conform to the list
FAQ guidelines. Since the patch is only one line, I also include it
in the body of this message as plain text.
--- linux-2.4.1/drivers/net/eepro100.c Sun Jan 28 03:40:14 2001
+++ linux-2.4.1-vido1/drivers/net/eepro100.c Thu Feb 8 14:08:49 2001
@@ -815,7 +815,7 @@
sp->phy[0] = eeprom[6];
sp->phy[1] = eeprom[7];
- sp->rx_bug = (eeprom[3] & 0x03) == 3 ? 0 : 1;
+ sp->rx_bug = eeprom[3] & 0x03;
if (sp->rx_bug)
printk(KERN_INFO " Receiver lock-up workaround activated.\n");
I don't understand why the tests for the diagnostic and for the
workaround activation were different. Maybe a simple bug, but maybe there
was an obscure reason. I someone knows...
Augustin Vidovic
"Nous sommes tous quelque chose de naissance, musicien ou assassin,
mais il faut apprendre le maniement de la harpe ou du couteau."