Hi this is off-topic sorry.
I am trying to make a manifesto in order to attach it to all my gpl'd
developments.. due to limitations in my english I would like to ask for
your help... and maybe you can have a couple of new ideas to improve it.
I am doing this because gpl'd developments usually involves people all
around the world and more times this is its main feature.. and being aware
that a lot of gpl'd / GNU resources are used by fascist, terrorist and
that kind of "people" everyday.. well maybe is a begginig.
Please help the way you can.
for now is just this:
/****************** Software Mestizo Manifesto *********************
* This code is **Software Mestizo** meaning it has been developed with
* the help of a lot of individuals no matter their racial or cultural
* origin, they all work together in peace and harmony in the belief of
* humankind fraternity, using this software with the purpose to harm
* this principles is to harm this software itself, uncivilizated and
* completely unethical. Please use it only in the context of this
* principles or dont use it if you dont agree the spirit of the Authors.
Roberto Diaz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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