>> I am trying to compile devfsd on my system running RedHat linux 7.0
>> (kernel 2.2.16-22). I get the error "RTLD_NEXT" undefined. I am not
>> sure where this symbol is defined. Is there anything that I am missing 
>> on my system. 
>Sounds like a missing include in the devfsd code. That comes from 

Following small patch fixes this and workarounds devfs related problem
which appeared in 2.4.0-test12-pre8:
        when I'm logging out, devfsd tries to state /dev/vcc/[1-6] but sometimes
        fails perhaps due to some race in kernel. As result devfsd quits with 
        error message. Retrying to state node suceeds on next attempt.
        I don't know why it happens, but I guess it's related to 
        change in drivers/char/tty_io.c between test12-pre7 and pre8
        (change to use flush_scheduled_tasks())

Hint: it seems to be easier to reproduce on slower machine (it happens seldom 
        on PIII-700, but very often on P200MMX)


--- devfsd/devfsd.c~1   Mon Jul  3 22:43:07 2000
+++ devfsd/devfsd.c     Fri Jan 12 13:19:33 2001
@@ -189,6 +189,7 @@
 #include <signal.h>
 #include <regex.h>
 #include <errno.h>
+#define __USE_GNU
 #include <dlfcn.h>
 #include <rpcsvc/ypclnt.h>
 #include <rpcsvc/yp_prot.h>
@@ -918,15 +919,29 @@
     [RETURNS] Nothing.
+    int tries=0;
     mode_t new_mode;
     struct stat statbuf;
     if (lstat (info->devname, &statbuf) != 0)
-       SYSLOG (LOG_ERR, "error stat(2)ing: \"%s\"\t%s\n",
-               info->devname, ERRSTRING);
-       SYSLOG (LOG_ERR, "exiting\n");
-       exit (1);
+       if (tries<10)
+       {
+          tries++;
+           SYSLOG (LOG_ERR, "error stat(2)ing: \"%s\"\t%s\n",
+                  info->devname, ERRSTRING);
+           SYSLOG (LOG_ERR, "retrying (attempt %d) ...\n",tries);
+          usleep (1000);  /* Let's sleep a bit  */
+          goto Retry;
+       }
+       else
+       {
+          SYSLOG (LOG_ERR, "error stat(2)ing: \"%s\"\t%s\n",
+                  info->devname, ERRSTRING);
+          SYSLOG (LOG_ERR, "exiting\n");
+          exit (1);
+       }
     new_mode = (statbuf.st_mode & S_IFMT) |
        (entry->u.permissions.mode & ~S_IFMT);
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