On Tue, Jan 30, 2001 at 06:47:18PM +0000, Dale Amon wrote:
> Has anyone else signed up on the NSA's secure Linux
> discussion list? The idea of NSA backing the development
> of  a secure GPL'd linux is one I find intriguing. 

        1) It is not "Secure Linux", it is "Security Enhanced Linux".
It's a proof of concept of adding type enforcement to the Linux kernel
and looks very promising.

> However I have only seen one posting. Is there anyone
> "real" involved with it?

        Why not join the selinux mailing list and find out?


        Seems to be a pretty active list.

> -- 
> ------------------------------------------------------
> Use Linux: A computer        Dale Amon, CEO/MD
> is a terrible thing          Village Networking Ltd
> to waste.                    Belfast, Northern Ireland
> ------------------------------------------------------
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