From: Lei Ming <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

update the comment for the removed "driver" field  and  being
out-of-order of  @cur_altsetting and @num_altsetting.

Signed-off-by: Lei Ming <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 include/linux/usb.h |    3 +--
 1 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
 mode change 100644 => 100755 include/linux/usb.h

diff --git a/include/linux/usb.h b/include/linux/usb.h
old mode 100644
new mode 100755
index 2372e2e..8a864f8
--- a/include/linux/usb.h
+++ b/include/linux/usb.h
@@ -94,10 +94,9 @@ enum usb_interface_condition {
  * @altsetting: array of interface structures, one for each alternate
  *     setting that may be selected.  Each one includes a set of
  *     endpoint configurations.  They will be in no particular order.
- * @num_altsetting: number of altsettings defined.
  * @cur_altsetting: the current altsetting.
+ * @num_altsetting: number of altsettings defined.
  * @intf_assoc: interface association descriptor
- * @driver: the USB driver that is bound to this interface.
  * @minor: the minor number assigned to this interface, if this
  *     interface is bound to a driver that uses the USB major number.
  *     If this interface does not use the USB major, this field should

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