> Everyone who says, disk is cheap, ought to donate me one.
> Everyone who says, memory is cheap, has to send me some.


Perhaps a more convincing argument may be that in embedded devices,
disk as well as memory and CPU power are _not_ cheap.

The more resources Linux requires, the less are it's chances of being
accepted as a viable alternative in embedded systems.

> I'm still stuck with a P-133, 56 MB RAM (60-70 ns, some EDO,
> some FPM) and not only Linux but also W2K on a 2.1 and a 0.8 GB
> HDD.

That would be _a_ _lot_ for an embedded system!

Robert Kaiser                         email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Am Pfaffenstein 14                    phone: (49) 6136 9948-762
D-55270 Klein-Winternheim / Germany   fax:   (49) 6136 9948-10
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