* Arjan van de Ven <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> btw this one was featured in the weekly bug top 10.. it's a rather 
> popular thing to happen.

i didnt get very far with bisection. .23 definitely did not crash and 
booted up fine - but it produced the "Bad IO ..." messages - so my 
automated bisector scripts which turned that warning into a crash&reboot 
honed in on the wrong (and probably uninteresting) area. .24 had 
timeouts but no crash. .25-rc1 had the crash. So it seems like multiple 
IDE regressions building up a concert of failures here, and it's hard to 
sort them out.

If an IDE/PATA/SATA person could take a look at the various logs i 
posted and could suggest the most efficient way to proceed it could save 
me from having to blindly spend hours on this problem.

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