I had this problem when I was upgrading my kernel, and happened to do
it during the daylight savings time roll-back. Confused the heck out
of me for a while. Anyways, you can try 'touching' all your files,
and do a 'make clean' then try again. If it doesn't complain about a
long arg list, you can try 'touch `find . -type f`'.
On Sun, Jan 28, 2001 at 08:49:38PM +0100, Mikael Pettersson wrote:
> On Sun, 28 Jan 2001 12:27:46 -0600 (CST), Thomas Molina wrote:
> >I seem to recall a discussion on faster processors causing timing
> >problems during a kernel make, but I'm unable to find it in the kernel
> >archives. I've now upgraded to an Athlon 900 MHz processor and an ASUS
> >A7V motherboard and have started seeing this. It shows up as the
> >following messages during a make bzImage:
> >
> >make[3]: *** Warning: Clock skew detected. Your build may be
> >incomplete.
> >make[3]: *** Warning: File
> >`/mnt/hd/local/kernel/linux.24.new/include/linux/sched.h' has
> >modification time in the future (2001-01-28 17:41:05 > 2001-01-28
> >10:07:02)
> No, this doesn't look like the "fast CPU" problem you are alluding to
> (look for subject MODVERSIONS in the archives). We fixed that one.
> Your problem is that your kernel source dir (unpacked tarball?)
> contains files with time stamps several hours in the future;
> 'make' doesn't take kindly to this.
> I've seen this happen once: during an upgrade (RH-style, i.e. not
> fresh install) from RH6.2 to RH7.0, my /etc/localtime had become
> overwritten and my machine in an instant moved from CET to some US
> time zone 6 or 8 hrs back. Then when I unpacked my kernel tarball to
> build a real kernel, I got exactly the problems you listed above.
> Check your clock & time zone settings.
> /Mikael
Philip Edelbrock -- IS Manager -- Edge Design, Corvallis, OR
[EMAIL PROTECTED] -- http://www.netroedge.com/~phil
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