                 * TODO: if the kernel ever supports long-term R/W pinning on
@@ -202,7 +204,8 @@ static void do_test(int fd, size_t size, enum test_type 
type, bool shared)
                /* Skip on errors, as we might just lack kernel support. */
                ret = io_uring_queue_init(1, &ring, 0);
                if (ret < 0) {
-                       ksft_test_result_skip("io_uring_queue_init() failed\n");
+                       ksft_test_result_skip("io_uring_queue_init() failed 
+                                             strerror(errno));

This function is documented to return -errno. I'm not sure if errno is guaranteed to be left unmodified (not clearly documented in the man page). So you might just want to use strerror(-ret) here.

Same applies to the other io_uring functions.


David / dhildenb

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