Hi Alistair,

On Fri, Feb 21, 2025 at 2:20 AM Alistair Popple <apop...@nvidia.com> wrote:
> Is this a known issue or limitation? Or is this a bug/rough edge that still
> needs fixing? Or alternatively am I just doing something wrong? Would 
> appreciate
> any insights as figuring out what I'd done wrong here was a bit of a rough
> introduction!

Yeah, it is a result of our `build_assert!` machinery:


which works by producing a build (link) error rather than the usual
compiler error and thus the bad error message.

`build_assert!` is really the biggest hammer we have to assert
something is true at build time, since it may rely on the optimizer.
For instance, if `static_assert!` is usable in that context, it should
be instead of `build_assert!`.

Ideally we would have a way to get the message propagated somehow,
because it is indeed confusing.

I hope that helps.


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