Very excited to see this progress.

On Fri, Feb 14, 2025 at 2:41 AM David Gow <> wrote:
> From: José Expósito <>
> Add a couple of Rust const functions and macros to allow to develop
> KUnit tests without relying on generated C code:
>  - The `kunit_unsafe_test_suite!` Rust macro is similar to the
>    `kunit_test_suite` C macro. It requires a NULL-terminated array of
>    test cases (see below).
>  - The `kunit_case` Rust function is similar to the `KUNIT_CASE` C macro.
>    It generates as case from the name and function.
>  - The `kunit_case_null` Rust function generates a NULL test case, which
>    is to be used as delimiter in `kunit_test_suite!`.
> While these functions and macros can be used on their own, a future
> patch will introduce another macro to create KUnit tests using a
> user-space like syntax.
> Signed-off-by: José Expósito <>
> Co-developed-by: Matt Gilbride <>
> Signed-off-by: Matt Gilbride <>
> Co-developed-by: Miguel Ojeda <>
> Signed-off-by: Miguel Ojeda <>
> Co-developed-by: David Gow <>
> Signed-off-by: David Gow <>
> ---
> Changes since v5:
> - Rebased against 6.14-rc1
> - Several documentation touch-ups, including noting that the example
>   test function need not be unsafe. (Thanks, Miguel)
> - Remove the need for static_mut_refs, by using core::addr_of_mut!()
>   combined with a cast. (Thanks, Miguel)
>   - While this should also avoid the need for const_mut_refs, it seems
>     to have been enabled for other users anyway.
> - Use ::kernel::ffi::c_char for C strings, rather than i8 directly.
>   (Thanks, Miguel)
> Changes since v4:
> - Rebased against 6.13-rc1
> - Allowed an unused_unsafe warning after the behaviour of addr_of_mut!()
>   changed in Rust 1.82. (Thanks Boqun, Miguel)
> - Fix a couple of minor rustfmt issues which were triggering checkpatch
>   warnings.
> Changes since v3:
> - The kunit_unsafe_test_suite!() macro now panic!s if the suite name is
>   too long, triggering a compile error. (Thanks, Alice!)
> Changes since v2:
> - The kunit_unsafe_test_suite!() macro will truncate the name of the
>   suite if it is too long. (Thanks Alice!)
> - We no longer needlessly use UnsafeCell<> in
>   kunit_unsafe_test_suite!(). (Thanks Alice!)
> Changes since v1:
> - Rebase on top of rust-next
> - As a result, KUnit attributes are new set. These are hardcoded to the
>   defaults of "normal" speed and no module name.
> - Split the kunit_case!() macro into two const functions, kunit_case()
>   and kunit_case_null() (for the NULL terminator).
> ---
>  rust/kernel/ | 121 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
>  1 file changed, 121 insertions(+)
> diff --git a/rust/kernel/ b/rust/kernel/
> index 824da0e9738a..d34a92075174 100644
> --- a/rust/kernel/
> +++ b/rust/kernel/
> @@ -161,3 +161,124 @@ macro_rules! kunit_assert_eq {
>          $crate::kunit_assert!($name, $file, $diff, $left == $right);
>      }};
>  }
> +
> +/// Represents an individual test case.
> +///
> +/// The `kunit_unsafe_test_suite!` macro expects a NULL-terminated list of 
> valid test cases.
> +/// Use `kunit_case_null` to generate such a delimiter.

Can both of these be linkified? [`kunit_unsafe_test_suite!`] and
[`kunit_case_null`]. There are more instances below.

> +#[doc(hidden)]
> +pub const fn kunit_case(
> +    name: &'static kernel::str::CStr,
> +    run_case: unsafe extern "C" fn(*mut kernel::bindings::kunit),
> +) -> kernel::bindings::kunit_case {
> +    kernel::bindings::kunit_case {
> +        run_case: Some(run_case),
> +        name: name.as_char_ptr(),
> +        attr: kernel::bindings::kunit_attributes {
> +            speed: kernel::bindings::kunit_speed_KUNIT_SPEED_NORMAL,
> +        },
> +        generate_params: None,
> +        status: kernel::bindings::kunit_status_KUNIT_SUCCESS,
> +        module_name: core::ptr::null_mut(),
> +        log: core::ptr::null_mut(),

These members, after `name`, can be spelled `..kunit_case_null()` to
avoid some repetition.

> +    }
> +}
> +
> +/// Represents the NULL test case delimiter.
> +///
> +/// The `kunit_unsafe_test_suite!` macro expects a NULL-terminated list of 
> test cases. This
> +/// function returns such a delimiter.
> +#[doc(hidden)]
> +pub const fn kunit_case_null() -> kernel::bindings::kunit_case {
> +    kernel::bindings::kunit_case {
> +        run_case: None,
> +        name: core::ptr::null_mut(),
> +        generate_params: None,
> +        attr: kernel::bindings::kunit_attributes {
> +            speed: kernel::bindings::kunit_speed_KUNIT_SPEED_NORMAL,
> +        },
> +        status: kernel::bindings::kunit_status_KUNIT_SUCCESS,
> +        module_name: core::ptr::null_mut(),
> +        log: core::ptr::null_mut(),
> +    }
> +}
> +
> +/// Registers a KUnit test suite.
> +///
> +/// # Safety
> +///
> +/// `test_cases` must be a NULL terminated array of valid test cases.
> +///
> +/// # Examples
> +///
> +/// ```ignore
> +/// extern "C" fn test_fn(_test: *mut kernel::bindings::kunit) {
> +///     let actual = 1 + 1;
> +///     let expected = 2;
> +///     assert_eq!(actual, expected);
> +/// }
> +///
> +/// static mut KUNIT_TEST_CASES: [kernel::bindings::kunit_case; 2] = [
> +///     kernel::kunit::kunit_case(kernel::c_str!("name"), test_fn),
> +///     kernel::kunit::kunit_case_null(),
> +/// ];
> +/// kernel::kunit_unsafe_test_suite!(suite_name, KUNIT_TEST_CASES);
> +/// ```
> +#[doc(hidden)]
> +#[macro_export]
> +macro_rules! kunit_unsafe_test_suite {
> +    ($name:ident, $test_cases:ident) => {
> +        const _: () = {
> +            const KUNIT_TEST_SUITE_NAME: [::kernel::ffi::c_char; 256] = {
> +                let name_u8 = ::core::stringify!($name).as_bytes();

This can be a little simpler:

let name = $crate::c_str!(::core::stringify!($name)).as_bytes_with_nul();

> +                let mut ret = [0; 256];
> +
> +                if name_u8.len() > 255 {
> +                    panic!(concat!(
> +                        "The test suite name `",
> +                        ::core::stringify!($name),
> +                        "` exceeds the maximum length of 255 bytes."
> +                    ));
> +                }
> +
> +                let mut i = 0;
> +                while i < name_u8.len() {
> +                    ret[i] = name_u8[i] as ::kernel::ffi::c_char;
> +                    i += 1;
> +                }

I'd suggest `ret[].copy_from_slice(name)` but
`copy_from_slice` isn't `const`. This can stay the same with the
now-unnecessary cast removed, or it can be the body of

                // SAFETY: `name` is valid for `name.len()` elements
by definition, and `ret` was
                // checked to be at least as large as `name`. The
buffers are statically know to not
                // overlap.
                unsafe {
ret.as_mut_ptr(), name.len());


> +
> +                ret
> +            };
> +
> +            #[allow(unused_unsafe)]
> +            static mut KUNIT_TEST_SUITE: ::kernel::bindings::kunit_suite =
> +                ::kernel::bindings::kunit_suite {
> +                    name: KUNIT_TEST_SUITE_NAME,
> +                    // SAFETY: User is expected to pass a correct 
> `test_cases`, given the safety
> +                    // precondition; hence this macro named `unsafe`.
> +                    test_cases: unsafe {
> +                        ::core::ptr::addr_of_mut!($test_cases)
> +                            .cast::<::kernel::bindings::kunit_case>()
> +                    },

This safety comment seems to be referring to the safety of
`addr_of_mut!` but this was just a compiler limitation until Rust
1.82, right? Same thing below on `KUNIT_TEST_SUITE_ENTRY`.

Can we also narrow the `#[allow]`? This seems to work:

                    // SAFETY: ...
                    test_cases: unsafe {

> +                    suite_init: None,
> +                    suite_exit: None,
> +                    init: None,
> +                    exit: None,
> +                    attr: ::kernel::bindings::kunit_attributes {
> +                        speed: 
> ::kernel::bindings::kunit_speed_KUNIT_SPEED_NORMAL,
> +                    },
> +                    status_comment: [0; 256usize],

I don't think you need the usize hint here, there's always a usize in
the length position.

> +                    debugfs: ::core::ptr::null_mut(),
> +                    log: ::core::ptr::null_mut(),
> +                    suite_init_err: 0,
> +                    is_init: false,
> +                };
> +
> +            #[used]
> +            #[link_section = ".kunit_test_suites"]

This attribute causes the same problem I describe in
That's because the KUnit tests are generated both on target and on
host (even though they won't run on host). I don't think you need to
deal with that here, just pointing it out. I think we'll need a cfg to
indicate we're building for host to avoid emitting these attributes
that only make sense in the kernel.

> +            static mut KUNIT_TEST_SUITE_ENTRY: *const 
> ::kernel::bindings::kunit_suite =
> +                // SAFETY: `KUNIT_TEST_SUITE` is static.
> +                unsafe { ::core::ptr::addr_of_mut!(KUNIT_TEST_SUITE) };

This is missing the `#[allow(unused_unsafe)]` (it appears in the next
patch). This means this commit will not compile on bisection.

> +        };
> +    };
> +}
> --

Global note: it seems more customary to use crate:: and $crate::
instead of kernel:: and ::kernel in functions and macros,



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