On Wed, Oct 16, 2024 at 1:19 AM Matthew Maurer <mmau...@google.com> wrote:
> The `export_report.pl` script was broken [1] a while back due to a code
> cleanup causing the regex to no longer match.

Instead of the link to lore, you can refer to
commit a3d0cb04f7df ("modpost: use __section in the output to *.mod.c")

> Additionally, it assumes a
> `modules.order` file containing `.ko` in a build directory with `.mod.c`
> files. I cannot find when this would have been the case in the history,
> as normally `.ko` files only appear in `modules.order` in installed
> modules directories, and those do not contain `.mod.c` files.

If necessary, you can refer to
commit f65a486821cf ("kbuild: change module.order to list *.o instead of *.ko")

As suggested, I vote for the removal since it has been broken for 5 years
since a3d0cb04f7df.

Best Regards
Masahiro Yamada

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