In arch/i386/kernel we declare nr_ioapics in both io_apic.c and mpparse.c.
I guess that one of them should be an 'extern' declaration? In the patch
below I have guessed that it is io_apic.c that is missing it since (AFAICS)
never assign to nr_ioapic in this file.
But I am in way over my head here so please be gentle when you point
out my mistake.
The patch (against 241p10 and ac11):
--- linux-ac11-clean/arch/i386/kernel/io_apic.c Thu Jan 25 20:48:51 2001
+++ linux-ac11/arch/i386/kernel/io_apic.c Fri Jan 26 21:59:16 2001
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
* # of IRQ routing registers
-int nr_ioapics;
+extern int nr_ioapics;
int nr_ioapic_registers[MAX_IO_APICS];
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