On Sun, 25 Feb 2024 19:38:26 -0600, Huang, Kai <kai.hu...@intel.com> wrote:
On 24/02/2024 6:00 am, Haitao Huang wrote:
On Fri, 23 Feb 2024 04:18:18 -0600, Huang, Kai <kai.hu...@intel.com>
Right. When code reaches to here, we already passed reclaim per
Yes if try_charge() failed we must do pre-cgroup reclaim.
The cgroup may not at or reach limit but system has run out of
But after try_charge() we can still choose to reclaim from the current
but not necessarily have to be global, right? I am not sure whether I
missing something, but could you elaborate why we should choose to
reclaim from
the global?
Once try_charge is done and returns zero that means the cgroup usage
is charged and it's not over usage limit. So you really can't reclaim
from that cgroup if allocation failed. The only thing you can do is to
reclaim globally.
Sorry I still cannot establish the logic here.
Let's say the sum of all cgroups are greater than the physical EPC, and
elclave(s) in each cgroup could potentially fault w/o reaching cgroup's
In this case, when enclave(s) in one cgroup faults, why we cannot
reclaim from the current cgroup, but have to reclaim from global?
Is there any real downside of the former, or you just want to follow the
reclaim logic w/o cgroup at all?
IIUC, there's at least one advantage of reclaim from the current group,
that faults of enclave(s) in one group won't impact other enclaves in
other cgroups. E.g., in this way other enclaves in other groups may
never need to trigger faults.
Or perhaps I am missing anything?
The use case here is that user knows it's OK for group A to borrow some
pages from group B for some time without impact much performance, vice
versa. That's why the user is overcomitting so system can run more
enclave/groups. Otherwise, if she is concerned about impact of A on B, she
could lower limit for A so it never interfere or interfere less with B
(assume the lower limit is still high enough to run all enclaves in A),
and sacrifice some of A's performance. Or if she does not want any
interference between groups, just don't over-comit. So we don't really
lose anything here.
In case of overcomitting, even if we always reclaim from the same cgroup
for each fault, one group may still interfere the other: e.g., consider an
extreme case in that group A used up almost all EPC at the time group B
has a fault, B has to fail allocation and kill enclaves.