>>>>> "alex" == alex  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

alex> I think the point of a test address is that this could
alex> conceivably affect more providers than just Hotmail, and it
alex> would be useful for people to be able to check to make sure
alex> their own provider isn't also ECN brain damaged ...

I have to agree with this.

Are there any well know sites using ECN we can test against?

Doesn't have to be a mail server, of course.  Maybe a web server with
auth lookups turned on?  or an ftp server supporting only non-passive
xfers.  An open squid.  Several possibilities exist for the general
case.  (Although for some who want to test a mail autoresponder may be
the only useable option....)

James H. Cloos, Jr.  <http://jhcloos.com/public_key>     1024D/ED7DAEA6 
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  E9E9 F828 61A4 6EA9 0F2B  63E7 997A 9F17 ED7D AEA6

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