On 11/17/23 2:58 AM, Tobias Huschle Wrote:
#################### TRACE EXCERPT ####################
The sched_place trace event was added to the end of the place_entity function 
and outputs:
sev -> sched_entity vruntime
sed -> sched_entity deadline
sel -> sched_entity vlag
avg -> cfs_rq avg_vruntime
min -> cfs_rq min_vruntime
cpu -> cpu of cfs_rq
nr  -> cfs_rq nr_running
     CPU 3/KVM-2950    [014] d....   576.161432: sched_migrate_task: 
comm=vhost-2920 pid=2941 prio=120 orig_cpu=15 dest_cpu=14
--> migrates task from cpu 15 to 14
     CPU 3/KVM-2950    [014] d....   576.161433: sched_place: comm=vhost-2920 
pid=2941 sev=4242563284 sed=4245563284 sel=0 avg=4242563284 min=4242563284 
cpu=14 nr=0
--> places vhost 2920 on CPU 14 with vruntime 4242563284
     CPU 3/KVM-2950    [014] d....   576.161433: sched_place: comm= pid=0 
sev=16329848593 sed=16334604010 sel=0 avg=16329848593 min=16329848593 cpu=14 
     CPU 3/KVM-2950    [014] d....   576.161433: sched_place: comm= pid=0 
sev=42560661157 sed=42627443765 sel=0 avg=42560661157 min=42560661157 cpu=14 
     CPU 3/KVM-2950    [014] d....   576.161434: sched_place: comm= pid=0 
sev=53846627372 sed=54125900099 sel=0 avg=53846627372 min=53846627372 cpu=14 
     CPU 3/KVM-2950    [014] d....   576.161434: sched_place: comm= pid=0 
sev=86640641980 sed=87255041979 sel=0 avg=86640641980 min=86640641980 cpu=14 

As the following 2 lines indicates that vhost-2920 is on_rq so can be
picked as next, thus its cfs_rq must have at least one entity.

While the above 4 lines shows nr=0, so the "comm= pid=0" task(s) can't
be in the same cgroup with vhost-2920.

Say vhost is in cgroupA, and "comm= pid=0" task with sev=86640641980
is in cgroupB ...

     CPU 3/KVM-2950    [014] dN...   576.161434: sched_stat_wait: 
comm=vhost-2920 pid=2941 delay=9958 [ns]
     CPU 3/KVM-2950    [014] d....   576.161435: sched_switch: prev_comm=CPU 3/KVM 
prev_pid=2950 prev_prio=120 prev_state=S ==> next_comm=vhost-2920 next_pid=2941 
    vhost-2920-2941    [014] D....   576.161439: sched_waking: comm=vhost-2286 
pid=2309 prio=120 target_cpu=008
    vhost-2920-2941    [014] d....   576.161446: sched_waking: 
comm=kworker/14:0 pid=6525 prio=120 target_cpu=014
    vhost-2920-2941    [014] d....   576.161447: sched_place: comm=kworker/14:0 
pid=6525 sev=86642125805 sed=86645125805 sel=0 avg=86642125805 min=86642125805 
cpu=14 nr=1
--> places kworker 6525 on cpu 14 with vruntime 86642125805
-->  which is far larger than vhost vruntime of  4242563284

Here nr=1 means there is another entity in the same cfs_rq with the
newly woken kworker, but which? According to the vruntime, I would
assume kworker is in cgroupB.

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