Hi Jason,

> From: Liu, Yi L <yi.l....@intel.com>
> Sent: Thursday, April 1, 2021 12:39 PM
> > From: Jason Gunthorpe <j...@nvidia.com>
> > Sent: Wednesday, March 31, 2021 8:41 PM
> >
> > On Wed, Mar 31, 2021 at 07:38:36AM +0000, Liu, Yi L wrote:
> >
> > > The reason is /dev/ioasid FD is per-VM since the ioasid allocated to
> > > the VM should be able to be shared by all assigned device for the VM.
> > > But the SVA operations (bind/unbind page table, cache_invalidate)
> should
> > > be per-device.
> >
> > It is not *per-device* it is *per-ioasid*
> >
> > And as /dev/ioasid is an interface for controlling multiple ioasid's
> > there is no issue to also multiplex the page table manipulation for
> > multiple ioasids as well.
> >
> > What you should do next is sketch out in some RFC the exactl ioctls
> > each FD would have and show how the parts I outlined would work and
> > point out any remaining gaps.
> >
> > The device FD is something like the vfio_device FD from VFIO, it has
> > *nothing* to do with PASID beyond having a single ioctl to authorize
> > the device to use the PASID. All control of the PASID is in
> > /dev/ioasid.
> good to see this reply. Your idea is much clearer to me now. If I'm getting
> you correctly. I think the skeleton is something like below:
> f
> 1) userspace opens a /dev/ioasid, meanwhile there will be an ioasid
>    allocated and a per-ioasid context which can be used to do bind page
>    table and cache invalidate, an ioasid FD returned to userspace.
> 2) userspace passes the ioasid FD to VFIO, let it associated with a device
>    FD (like vfio_device FD).
> 3) userspace binds page table on the ioasid FD with the page table info.
> 4) userspace unbinds the page table on the ioasid FD
> 5) userspace de-associates the ioasid FD and device FD
> Does above suit your outline?
> If yes, I still have below concern and wish to see your opinion.
> - the ioasid FD and device association will happen at runtime instead of
>   just happen in the setup phase.
> - how about AMD and ARM's vSVA support? Their PASID allocation and page
> table
>   happens within guest. They only need to bind the guest PASID table to
> host.
>   Above model seems unable to fit them. (Jean, Eric, Jacob please feel free
>   to correct me)
> - this per-ioasid SVA operations is not aligned with the native SVA usage
>   model. Native SVA bind is per-device.

After reading your reply in 
So you mean /dev/ioasid FD is per-VM instead of per-ioasid, so above skeleton
doesn't suit your idea. I draft below skeleton to see if our mind is the
same. But I still believe there is an open on how to fit ARM and AMD's
vSVA support in this the per-ioasid SVA operation model. thoughts?

|      userspace              |               kernel space                    |
| ioasid_fd =                 | /dev/ioasid does below:                       |
| open("/dev/ioasid", O_RDWR);|   struct ioasid_fd_ctx {                      |
|                             |       struct list_head ioasid_list;           |
|                             |       ...                                     |
|                             |   } ifd_ctx; // ifd_ctx is per ioasid_fd      |
| ioctl(ioasid_fd,            | /dev/ioasid does below:                       |
|       ALLOC, &ioasid);      |   struct ioasid_data {                        |
|                             |       ioasid_t ioasid;                        |
|                             |       struct list_head device_list;           |
|                             |       struct list_head next;                  |
|                             |       ...                                     |
|                             |   } id_data; // id_data is per ioasid         |
|                             |                                               |
|                             |   list_add(&id_data.next,                     |
|                             |            &ifd_ctx.ioasid_list);             |
| ioctl(device_fd,            | VFIO does below:                              |
|       DEVICE_ALLOW_IOASID,  | 1) get ioasid_fd, check if ioasid_fd is valid |
|       ioasid_fd,            | 2) check if ioasid is allocated from ioasid_fd|
|       ioasid);              | 3) register device/domain info to /dev/ioasid |
|                             |    tracked in id_data.device_list             |
|                             | 4) record the ioasid in VFIO's per-device     |
|                             |    ioasid list for future security check      |
| ioctl(ioasid_fd,            | /dev/ioasid does below:                       |
|       BIND_PGTBL,           | 1) find ioasid's id_data                      |
|       pgtbl_data,           | 2) loop the id_data.device_list and tell iommu|
|       ioasid);              |    give ioasid access to the devices          |
| ioctl(ioasid_fd,            | /dev/ioasid does below:                       |
|       UNBIND_PGTBL,         | 1) find ioasid's id_data                      |
|       ioasid);              | 2) loop the id_data.device_list and tell iommu|
|                             |    clear ioasid access to the devices         |
| ioctl(device_fd,            | VFIO does below:                              |
|      DEVICE_DISALLOW_IOASID,| 1) check if ioasid is associated in VFIO's    |
|       ioasid_fd,            |    device ioasid list.                        |
|       ioasid);              | 2) unregister device/domain info from         |
|                             |    /dev/ioasid, clear in id_data.device_list  |
| ioctl(ioasid_fd,            | /dev/ioasid does below:                       |
|       FREE, ioasid);        |  list_del(&id_data.next);                     |

Yi Liu

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