Please pull the following changes since commit

  Linux 5.12-rc4 (2021-03-21 14:56:43 -0700)

are available in the Git repository at:

  git:// tags/5.12-rc4-smb3

for you to fetch changes up to cfc63fc8126a93cbf95379bc4cad79a7b15b6ece:

  smb3: fix cached file size problems in duplicate extents (reflink)
(2021-03-26 18:41:55 -0500)

5 cifs/smb3 fixes, 2 for stable, includes an important fix for
encryption and an ACL fix, as well as two fixes for possible data
corruptions (one for reflink and one for SMB1)

Test results:
Ronnie Sahlberg (1):
      cifs: revalidate mapping when we open files for SMB1 POSIX

Shyam Prasad N (2):
      cifs: Adjust key sizes and key generation routines for AES256 encryption
      cifs: Fix chmod with modefromsid when an older ACE already exists.

Steve French (1):
      smb3: fix cached file size problems in duplicate extents (reflink)

Vincent Whitchurch (1):
      cifs: Silently ignore unknown oplock break handle

 fs/cifs/cifsacl.c       |  3 +--
 fs/cifs/cifsglob.h      |  4 ++--
 fs/cifs/cifspdu.h       |  5 +++++
 fs/cifs/file.c          |  1 +
 fs/cifs/smb2glob.h      |  1 +
 fs/cifs/smb2misc.c      |  4 ++--
 fs/cifs/smb2ops.c       | 27 ++++++++++++++++++++-------
 fs/cifs/smb2transport.c | 37 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------
 8 files changed, 60 insertions(+), 22 deletions(-)



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