From: Rafael J. Wysocki <>

If PCI_D3cold is passed to acpi_pci_set_power_state() as the second
argument and there is no ACPI D3cold support for the given device,
the debug message printed by that function will state that the
device power state has been changed to D3cold, while in fact it
will be D3hot, because acpi_device_set_power() falls back to D3hot
automatically if D3cold is not supported without returning an error.

To address this issue, modify the debug message in question to print
the current power state of the target PCI device's ACPI companion
instead of printing the target power state which may not reflect
the real final power state of the device.

Signed-off-by: Rafael J. Wysocki <>
 drivers/pci/pci-acpi.c |    2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

Index: linux-pm/drivers/pci/pci-acpi.c
--- linux-pm.orig/drivers/pci/pci-acpi.c
+++ linux-pm/drivers/pci/pci-acpi.c
@@ -1021,7 +1021,7 @@ static int acpi_pci_set_power_state(stru
        if (!error)
                pci_dbg(dev, "power state changed by ACPI to %s\n",
-                        acpi_power_state_string(state_conv[state]));
+                       acpi_power_state_string(adev->power.state));
        return error;

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