On Tue, Feb 2, 2021 at 7:56 AM Oleg Nesterov <o...@redhat.com> wrote:
> There is the "erestartsys-trap-debugger" test in ptrace-tests suite.
> Do you mean you want another test in tools/testing/selftests/ptrace ?

No, I guess it's fine if it's caught by the ptrace test suite - we'll
hopefully get fairly timely "guys, you broke it" reports.

Is that ptrace erestartsys-trap-debugger.c test new, or has it just
always failed? Or is the problem that it is so expected to fail that
we wouldn't get reports of it anyway (this clearly fell off your radar
for a long time)?

IOW, my only worry is that this is somewhat subtle (understatement of
the year), has been around forever, and if we care about this debugger
case, we should have _some_ way to make sure that if it gets broken
again we at least get notified some way in a reasonably timely


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