On Mon, 11 Jan 2021 05:56:59 -0500, I said:

> > It's probably related. I'm just having a hard time understanding why 4.9 
> > and 5.4
> > whine about the lack of a space, while 8.3 and 11 didn't complain...

So after more digging, at least some clarity has surfaced.

It looks like it's not a kernel source tree issue, it's a g++ issue fixed in 
g++ 6 and later.


And it looks like there was an intent to backport it to 4.9 and 5.4:

The bugtracker doesn't show an equivalent for 69959 being closed against 4.9.x 
or 5.[56],

https://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=63254 has a patch for one of the
gcc-supplied files that tosses the warning, but that way lies madness...

Not sure what we want to do here - the main alternatives I see are:

Tell people still using 4.9/5.4 to either live with the warning or upgrade to 6 
or later

Make the flag a variable and pass either -std=gnu++98 or -std=gnu++11
depending on the output of 'g++ --version'

What say the peanut gallery?

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