
As suggested by Andrew Morton, the patch is now as attachment.

Best regards,
Krauth Julien

-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: Andrew Morton [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 19. Dezember 2007 00:26
An: Krauth.Julien
Betreff: Re: AW: [PATCH] serial: add ADDI-DATA GmbH Communication 
cardsin8250_pci.c and pci_ids.h.

On Thu, 6 Dec 2007 08:49:44 +0100
"Krauth.Julien" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hello,
> Here is the last version of the patch updated regarding your remarks.
> Regards,
> Julien Krauth
> Changes:
> ========
> - Indentation.
> - Code optimisation: all boards except the APCI-7800 are now managed
> with the pci_default_setup() function.
> - Add pbn_b0_8_115200 to manage the APCI-7800-3 with the
> pci_default_setup() function.
> ---
> From: Krauth Julien <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Add ADDI-DATA GmbH communication cards to 8250_pci driver.
> Supported cards are:
> APCI-7300, APCI-7420, APCI-7500, APCI-7800 APCI-7300-2, APCI-7420-2,
> APCI-7500-2 APCI-7300-3, APCI-7420-3, APCI-7500-3, APCI-7800-3
> 8250_pci.c.patch
> ================
> Add ADDI-DATA GmbH communication cards to 8250_pci.c.
> pci_ids.h.patch
> ===============
> Add ADDI-DATA GmbH communication cards Vendor and Device IDs to
> pci_ids.h.
> ========
> 8250_pci.c.patch depend on pci_ids.h.patch.
> 8250_pci.c is using Vendor and Device ID defined in pci_ids.h.

This patch was hopelessly mangled by your email client: wordwrapped and
strange whitespace substitutions.

I suggest that when you resend it, you use attachments.

ADDI-DATA GmbH - Dieselstraße 3 - 77833 Ottersweier (Germany)
Amtsgericht Mannheim HRB210433
Geschäftsführer Antonio Agnetti, René Ohlmann 
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Attachment: 8250_pci.c.patch
Description: 8250_pci.c.patch

Attachment: pci_ids.h.patch
Description: pci_ids.h.patch

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