> The underlying problem is of course that all those sanity checks should
> be done in user space, not in the kernel.
> (See also ftp://icaftp.epfl.ch/pub/people/almesber/slides/tmp-tc.ps.gz
> The bitching starts on slide 11, some ideas for fixing the problem on
> slide 16, but heed the warning on slide 15.)
> Besides that, I agree that we have far too many EINVALs in the kernel.
> Maybe we should just record file name and line number of the EINVAL
> in *current and add an eh?(2) system call ;-)

I don't care about an error, but EINVAL is giving very confusing
errors.. Like finding your glasses when you're already have them on.

I like the h_errno solution, but that's another glibc change.

> - Werner


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