
When we install a IDE hard disk drive, and configure as Master and connect
on Primary IDE Interface, this disk WILL BE ALWAYS hda. We can install
other hard disks (e.g. hdb, hdc...) but the disk that it is connected as
hda, will not change.

If we install a SCSI hard disk drive, with ID3, an nothing on ID1 or ID2,
will be sda. If we install a new disk on ID1, the drive that before was
sda now change the name to sdb.

Or, if we have:
sda ID1
sdb ID2
sdc ID3
sdd ID4

And we remove sda, then sdb change to sda, sdc to sdb, sdd to sdc.

Why the name of hard disk drive of SCSI Controller are not fixed?

Then, it is possible that we must change /etc/fstab

Then, if I have a disk with ID3, I can connect on all computers and ALWAYS
is sdc, I don't count how many disks are before, etc.

I don't understand why the name change...

There are any reason?

Thank you very much.

Carles Pina i Estany
   E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] || #ICQ: 14446118 || Nick: Pinux
   URL: http://www.salleurl.edu/~is08139
   Ley de Murphy: Si algo puede fallar, fall<NO CARRIER>

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