For a metric like:
  EVENT1 if #smt_on else EVENT2

currently EVENT1 and EVENT2 will be measured and then when the metric is
reported EVENT1 or EVENT2 will be printed depending on the value from
smt_on() during the expr parsing. Computing both events is unnecessary and
can lead to multiplexing as discussed in this thread:

This change modifies the expression parsing code by:
 - getting rid of the "other" parsing and introducing a boolean argument
   to say whether ids should be computed or not.
 - expressions are changed so that a pair of value and ids are returned.
 - when computing the metric value the ids are unused.
 - when computing the ids, constant values and smt_on are assigned to
   the value.
 - If the value is from an event ID then the event is added to the ids
   hashmap and the value set to NAN.
 - Typically operators union IDs for their inputs and set the value to
   NAN, however, if the inputs are constant then these are computed and
   propagated as the value.
 - If the input is constant to certain operators like:
 IDS1 if CONST else IDS2
   then the result will be either IDS1 or IDS2 depending on CONST which
   may be evaluated from an entire expression.
 - The ids at the end of parsing are added to the context.

Signed-off-by: Ian Rogers <>
 tools/perf/tests/expr.c |  10 ++
 tools/perf/util/expr.c  |   9 +-
 tools/perf/util/expr.h  |   1 -
 tools/perf/util/expr.l  |   9 --
 tools/perf/util/expr.y  | 341 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------
 5 files changed, 284 insertions(+), 86 deletions(-)

diff --git a/tools/perf/tests/expr.c b/tools/perf/tests/expr.c
index 7c2a01cf0650..94ddd01b29fc 100644
--- a/tools/perf/tests/expr.c
+++ b/tools/perf/tests/expr.c
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
 #include "util/debug.h"
 #include "util/expr.h"
+#include "util/smt.h"
 #include "tests.h"
 #include <stdlib.h>
 #include <string.h>
@@ -132,6 +133,15 @@ int test__expr(struct test *t __maybe_unused, int subtest 
        TEST_ASSERT_VAL("find other", hashmap__find(ctx->ids, "EVENT2,param=3/",
                                                    (void **)&val_ptr));
+       expr__ctx_clear(ctx);
+       TEST_ASSERT_VAL("find ids",
+                       expr__find_ids("EVENT1 if #smt_on else EVENT2",
+                               NULL, ctx, 0) == 0);
+       TEST_ASSERT_VAL("find ids", hashmap__size(ctx->ids) == 1);
+       TEST_ASSERT_VAL("find ids", hashmap__find(ctx->ids,
+                                                 smt_on() ? "EVENT1" : 
+                                                 (void **)&val_ptr));
        return 0;
diff --git a/tools/perf/util/expr.c b/tools/perf/util/expr.c
index 1adb6cd202e0..28aaa50c6c68 100644
--- a/tools/perf/util/expr.c
+++ b/tools/perf/util/expr.c
@@ -329,10 +329,9 @@ void expr__ctx_free(struct expr_parse_ctx *ctx)
 static int
 __expr__parse(double *val, struct expr_parse_ctx *ctx, const char *expr,
-             int start, int runtime)
+             bool compute_ids, int runtime)
        struct expr_scanner_ctx scanner_ctx = {
-               .start_token = start,
                .runtime = runtime,
        YY_BUFFER_STATE buffer;
@@ -352,7 +351,7 @@ __expr__parse(double *val, struct expr_parse_ctx *ctx, 
const char *expr,
        expr_set_debug(1, scanner);
-       ret = expr_parse(val, ctx, scanner);
+       ret = expr_parse(val, ctx, compute_ids, scanner);
        expr__flush_buffer(buffer, scanner);
        expr__delete_buffer(buffer, scanner);
@@ -363,13 +362,13 @@ __expr__parse(double *val, struct expr_parse_ctx *ctx, 
const char *expr,
 int expr__parse(double *final_val, struct expr_parse_ctx *ctx,
                const char *expr, int runtime)
-       return __expr__parse(final_val, ctx, expr, EXPR_PARSE, runtime) ? -1 : 
+       return __expr__parse(final_val, ctx, expr, /*compute_ids=*/false, 
runtime) ? -1 : 0;
 int expr__find_ids(const char *expr, const char *one,
                   struct expr_parse_ctx *ctx, int runtime)
-       int ret = __expr__parse(NULL, ctx, expr, EXPR_OTHER, runtime);
+       int ret = __expr__parse(NULL, ctx, expr, /*compute_ids=*/true, runtime);
        if (one)
                expr__del_id(ctx, one);
diff --git a/tools/perf/util/expr.h b/tools/perf/util/expr.h
index 62d3ae5ddfba..cefeb2c8d85e 100644
--- a/tools/perf/util/expr.h
+++ b/tools/perf/util/expr.h
@@ -26,7 +26,6 @@ struct expr_parse_ctx {
 struct expr_id_data;
 struct expr_scanner_ctx {
-       int start_token;
        int runtime;
diff --git a/tools/perf/util/expr.l b/tools/perf/util/expr.l
index 13e5e3c75f56..702fdf6456ca 100644
--- a/tools/perf/util/expr.l
+++ b/tools/perf/util/expr.l
@@ -91,15 +91,6 @@ symbol               ({spec}|{sym})+
        struct expr_scanner_ctx *sctx = expr_get_extra(yyscanner);
-       {
-               int start_token = sctx->start_token;
-               if (sctx->start_token) {
-                       sctx->start_token = 0;
-                       return start_token;
-               }
-       }
 d_ratio                { return D_RATIO; }
 max            { return MAX; }
 min            { return MIN; }
diff --git a/tools/perf/util/expr.y b/tools/perf/util/expr.y
index c22e3500a40f..931c1dc2bd26 100644
--- a/tools/perf/util/expr.y
+++ b/tools/perf/util/expr.y
@@ -10,34 +10,29 @@
 #include "expr.h"
 #include "smt.h"
 #include <string.h>
-static double d_ratio(double val0, double val1)
-       if (val1 == 0) {
-               return 0;
-       }
-       return  val0 / val1;
 %define api.pure full
 %parse-param { double *final_val }
 %parse-param { struct expr_parse_ctx *ctx }
+%parse-param { bool compute_ids }
 %parse-param {void *scanner}
 %lex-param {void* scanner}
 %union {
        double   num;
        char    *str;
+       struct ids {
+               /* When creating ids, holds the working set of event ids. */
+               struct hashmap *ids;
+               /* The metric value. When computing ids NAN is used to indicate
+                * that all event ids are necessary. */
+               double val;
+       } ids;
-%token <num> NUMBER
-%token <str> ID
-%destructor { free ($$); } <str>
 %left MIN MAX IF
 %left '|'
 %left '^'
@@ -46,11 +41,16 @@ static double d_ratio(double val0, double val1)
 %left '-' '+'
 %left '*' '/' '%'
 %left NEG NOT
-%type <num> expr if_expr
+%type <num> NUMBER
+%type <str> ID
+%destructor { free ($$); } <str>
+%type <ids> expr if_expr
+%destructor { ids__free($$.ids); } <ids>
 static void expr_error(double *final_val __maybe_unused,
                       struct expr_parse_ctx *ctx __maybe_unused,
+                      bool compute_ids __maybe_unused,
                       void *scanner,
                       const char *s)
@@ -60,68 +60,267 @@ static void expr_error(double *final_val __maybe_unused,
-EXPR_PARSE all_expr
-EXPR_OTHER all_other
+start: if_expr
+       if (compute_ids)
+               ctx->ids = ids__union($1.ids, ctx->ids);
-all_other: all_other other
+       if (final_val)
+               *final_val = $1.val;
-other: ID
+if_expr: expr IF expr ELSE expr
-       expr__add_id(ctx, $1);
+        if (fpclassify($3.val) == FP_ZERO) {
+               $$.val = $5.val;
+               $$.ids = $5.ids;
+               ids__free($1.ids);
+               ids__free($3.ids);
+       } else if (isfinite($3.val)) {
+               $$.val = $1.val;
+               $$.ids = $1.ids;
+               ids__free($3.ids);
+               ids__free($5.ids);
+       } else if (!compute_ids) {
+               $$.val = $5.val;
+               $$.ids = NULL;
+       } else {
+               $$.ids = ids__union(ids__union($1.ids, $3.ids), $5.ids);
+               $$.val = NAN;
+       }
-MIN | MAX | IF | ELSE | SMT_ON | NUMBER | '|' | '^' | '&' | '-' | '+' | '*' | 
'/' | '%' | '(' | ')' | ','
-'<' | '>' | D_RATIO
-all_expr: if_expr                      { *final_val = $1; }
-       ;
-       expr IF expr ELSE expr { $$ = $3 ? $1 : $5; }
-       | expr
-       ;
+| expr
-expr:    NUMBER
-       | ID                    {
-                                       struct expr_id_data *data;
+expr: NUMBER
+       $$.val = $1;
+       $$.ids = NULL;
+| ID
+       if (!compute_ids) {
+               struct expr_id_data *data;
-                                       if (expr__resolve_id(ctx, $1, &data)) {
-                                               $$ = NAN;
-                                       }
+               $$.val = NAN;
+               if (expr__resolve_id(ctx, $1, &data) == 0)
+                       $$.val = expr_id_data__value(data);
-                                       $$ = expr_id_data__value(data);
-                                       free($1);
-                               }
-       | expr '|' expr         { $$ = (long)$1 | (long)$3; }
-       | expr '&' expr         { $$ = (long)$1 & (long)$3; }
-       | expr '^' expr         { $$ = (long)$1 ^ (long)$3; }
-       | expr '<' expr         { $$ = $1 < $3; }
-       | expr '>' expr         { $$ = $1 > $3; }
-       | expr '+' expr         { $$ = $1 + $3; }
-       | expr '-' expr         { $$ = $1 - $3; }
-       | expr '*' expr         { $$ = $1 * $3; }
-       | expr '/' expr         { if ($3 == 0) {
-                                       pr_debug("division by zero\n");
-                                       YYABORT;
-                                 }
-                                 $$ = $1 / $3;
-                               }
-       | expr '%' expr         { if ((long)$3 == 0) {
-                                       pr_debug("division by zero\n");
-                                       YYABORT;
-                                 }
-                                 $$ = (long)$1 % (long)$3;
-                               }
-       | '-' expr %prec NEG    { $$ = -$2; }
-       | '(' if_expr ')'       { $$ = $2; }
-       | MIN '(' expr ',' expr ')' { $$ = $3 < $5 ? $3 : $5; }
-       | MAX '(' expr ',' expr ')' { $$ = $3 > $5 ? $3 : $5; }
-       | SMT_ON                 { $$ = smt_on() > 0; }
-       | D_RATIO '(' expr ',' expr ')' { $$ = d_ratio($3,$5); }
-       ;
+               $$.ids = NULL;
+               free($1);
+       } else {
+               $$.val = NAN;
+               $$.ids = ids__new();
+               if (!$$.ids || ids__insert($$.ids, $1, ctx->parent))
+                       YYABORT;
+       }
+| expr '|' expr
+       if (!compute_ids || (isfinite($1.val) && isfinite($3.val))) {
+               $$.val = (long)$1.val | (long)$3.val;
+               $$.ids = NULL;
+               if (compute_ids) {
+                       ids__free($1.ids);
+                       ids__free($3.ids);
+               }
+       } else {
+               $$.val = NAN;
+               $$.ids = ids__union($1.ids, $3.ids);
+       }
+| expr '&' expr
+       if (!compute_ids || (isfinite($1.val) && isfinite($3.val))) {
+               $$.val = (long)$1.val & (long)$3.val;
+               $$.ids = NULL;
+               if (compute_ids) {
+                       ids__free($1.ids);
+                       ids__free($3.ids);
+               }
+       } else {
+               $$.val = NAN;
+               $$.ids = ids__union($1.ids, $3.ids);
+       }
+| expr '^' expr
+       if (!compute_ids || (isfinite($1.val) && isfinite($3.val))) {
+               $$.val = (long)$1.val ^ (long)$3.val;
+               $$.ids = NULL;
+               if (compute_ids) {
+                       ids__free($1.ids);
+                       ids__free($3.ids);
+               }
+       } else {
+               $$.val = NAN;
+               $$.ids = ids__union($1.ids, $3.ids);
+       }
+| expr '<' expr
+       if (!compute_ids || (isfinite($1.val) && isfinite($3.val))) {
+               $$.val = $1.val < $3.val;
+               $$.ids = NULL;
+               if (compute_ids) {
+                       ids__free($1.ids);
+                       ids__free($3.ids);
+               }
+       } else {
+               $$.val = NAN;
+               $$.ids = ids__union($1.ids, $3.ids);
+       }
+| expr '>' expr
+       if (!compute_ids || (isfinite($1.val) && isfinite($3.val))) {
+               $$.val = $1.val > $3.val;
+               $$.ids = NULL;
+               if (compute_ids) {
+                       ids__free($1.ids);
+                       ids__free($3.ids);
+               }
+       } else {
+               $$.val = NAN;
+               $$.ids = ids__union($1.ids, $3.ids);
+       }
+| expr '+' expr
+       if (!compute_ids || (isfinite($1.val) && isfinite($3.val))) {
+               $$.val = $1.val + $3.val;
+               $$.ids = NULL;
+               if (compute_ids) {
+                       ids__free($1.ids);
+                       ids__free($3.ids);
+               }
+       } else {
+               $$.val = NAN;
+               $$.ids = ids__union($1.ids, $3.ids);
+       }
+| expr '-' expr
+       if (!compute_ids || (isfinite($1.val) && isfinite($3.val))) {
+               $$.val = $1.val - $3.val;
+               $$.ids = NULL;
+               if (compute_ids) {
+                       ids__free($1.ids);
+                       ids__free($3.ids);
+               }
+       } else {
+               $$.val = NAN;
+               $$.ids = ids__union($1.ids, $3.ids);
+       }
+| expr '*' expr
+       if (!compute_ids || (isfinite($1.val) && isfinite($3.val))) {
+               $$.val = $1.val * $3.val;
+               $$.ids = NULL;
+               if (compute_ids) {
+                       ids__free($1.ids);
+                       ids__free($3.ids);
+               }
+       } else {
+               $$.val = NAN;
+               $$.ids = ids__union($1.ids, $3.ids);
+       }
+| expr '/' expr
+       if (fpclassify($3.val) == FP_ZERO) {
+               pr_debug("division by zero\n");
+               YYABORT;
+       } else if (!compute_ids || (isfinite($1.val) && isfinite($3.val))) {
+               $$.val = $1.val / $3.val;
+               $$.ids = NULL;
+               if (compute_ids) {
+                       ids__free($1.ids);
+                       ids__free($3.ids);
+               }
+       } else {
+               $$.val = NAN;
+               $$.ids = ids__union($1.ids, $3.ids);
+       }
+| D_RATIO '(' expr ',' expr ')'
+       if (fpclassify($5.val) == FP_ZERO) {
+               $$.val = 0.0;
+               $$.ids = NULL;
+               ids__free($3.ids);
+               ids__free($5.ids);
+       } else if (!compute_ids || (isfinite($3.val) && isfinite($5.val))) {
+               $$.val = $3.val / $5.val;
+               $$.ids = NULL;
+               ids__free($3.ids);
+               ids__free($5.ids);
+       } else {
+               $$.val = NAN;
+               $$.ids = ids__union($3.ids, $5.ids);
+       }
+| expr '%' expr
+       if (fpclassify($3.val) == FP_ZERO) {
+               pr_debug("division by zero\n");
+               YYABORT;
+       } else if (!compute_ids || (isfinite($1.val) && isfinite($3.val))) {
+               $$.val = (long)$1.val % (long)$3.val;
+               $$.ids = NULL;
+               if (compute_ids) {
+                       ids__free($1.ids);
+                       ids__free($3.ids);
+               }
+       } else {
+               $$.val = NAN;
+               $$.ids = ids__union($1.ids, $3.ids);
+       }
+| '-' expr %prec NEG
+       $$.val = -$2.val;
+       $$.ids = $2.ids;
+| '(' if_expr ')'
+       $$ = $2;
+| MIN '(' expr ',' expr ')'
+       if (!compute_ids || (isfinite($3.val) && isfinite($5.val))) {
+               $$.val = $3.val < $5.val ? $3.val : $5.val;
+               $$.ids = NULL;
+               if (compute_ids) {
+                       ids__free($3.ids);
+                       ids__free($5.ids);
+               }
+       } else {
+               $$.val = NAN;
+               $$.ids = ids__union($3.ids, $5.ids);
+       }
+| MAX '(' expr ',' expr ')'
+       if (!compute_ids || (isfinite($3.val) && isfinite($5.val))) {
+               $$.val = $3.val > $5.val ? $3.val : $5.val;
+               $$.ids = NULL;
+               if (compute_ids) {
+                       ids__free($3.ids);
+                       ids__free($5.ids);
+               }
+       } else {
+               $$.val = NAN;
+               $$.ids = ids__union($3.ids, $5.ids);
+       }
+       $$.val = smt_on() > 0 ? 1.0 : 0.0;
+       $$.ids = NULL;

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