[Achim Herrmann]
> main.o was created using language "C": gcc -c main.c -o main.o
> and 
> hwaccess.o was created using assembler: nasm -f elf hwaccess.asm -o
> hwaccess.o
> Is there a possibility to combine these two object files, so that I
> have a module which is loadable by insmod?

I'm not very familiar with 'nasm', but assuming it produces regular elf
object files:

  $(LD) -r -o {target}.o main.o hwaccess.o

'$(LD) -r' is used lots of places in kernel makefiles already.  (Too
many places, actually, most of which could and should be automated.
Kai Germaschewski has recently done some work to this end.)

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