On Sat, Dec 08, 2007 at 01:25:21PM +0100, Markus wrote:
> Well, just tried it. Started a dozen konquerors and attached strace to 
> everyone. When one disapeared, I only got a "Process 9246 detached", 
> nothing else is printed or written in the log.
> Markus

Hallo Markus

Whenever the connection to the X server is dropped the application
using that connection will be terminated by the client library
error handler (KDE/Qt/X11).

Probably the applications simply drop out of their event loop and
terminate, you should see some X11 related error messages in


My guess would be that some of the eye-candy in KDE is using
DRI / OpenGL features that might be the cause for mailfunction.

I would suggest you start by disabling DRI / AIGLX rendering
in your xorg.conf and see if your applications work without
all those nifty features.

Below you can find some settings to disable AIGLX, DRI and
composite rendering.

They should be integrated in the configuration sections I
quoted. This is not a complete configuration file.

Best regards,

--- <snip> ---

Section "ServerFlags"
 Option "AIGLX" "false"

Section "Module"
 Disable "dri"

Section "Extensions"
 Option "Composite" "false"

--- <snip> ---

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