Each memory client have a unique hardware ID, this patch adds these IDs.

Signed-off-by: Dmitry Osipenko <dig...@gmail.com>
 include/dt-bindings/memory/tegra124-mc.h | 68 ++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 68 insertions(+)
diff --git a/include/dt-bindings/memory/tegra124-mc.h 
index 186e6b7e9b35..7e73bb400eca 100644
--- a/include/dt-bindings/memory/tegra124-mc.h
+++ b/include/dt-bindings/memory/tegra124-mc.h
@@ -54,4 +54,72 @@
 #define TEGRA124_MC_RESET_ISP2B                22
 #define TEGRA124_MC_RESET_GPU          23
+#define TEGRA124_MC_PTCR               0
+#define TEGRA124_MC_DISPLAY0A          1
+#define TEGRA124_MC_DISPLAY0AB         2
+#define TEGRA124_MC_DISPLAY0B          3
+#define TEGRA124_MC_DISPLAY0BB         4
+#define TEGRA124_MC_DISPLAY0C          5
+#define TEGRA124_MC_DISPLAY0CB         6
+#define TEGRA124_MC_AFIR               14
+#define TEGRA124_MC_AVPCARM7R          15
+#define TEGRA124_MC_DISPLAYHC          16
+#define TEGRA124_MC_DISPLAYHCB         17
+#define TEGRA124_MC_HDAR               21
+#define TEGRA124_MC_HOST1XDMAR         22
+#define TEGRA124_MC_HOST1XR            23
+#define TEGRA124_MC_MSENCSRD           28
+#define TEGRA124_MC_PPCSAHBDMAR                29
+#define TEGRA124_MC_PPCSAHBSLVR                30
+#define TEGRA124_MC_SATAR              31
+#define TEGRA124_MC_VDEBSEVR           34
+#define TEGRA124_MC_VDEMBER            35
+#define TEGRA124_MC_VDEMCER            36
+#define TEGRA124_MC_VDETPER            37
+#define TEGRA124_MC_MPCORELPR          38
+#define TEGRA124_MC_MPCORER            39
+#define TEGRA124_MC_MSENCSWR           43
+#define TEGRA124_MC_AFIW               49
+#define TEGRA124_MC_AVPCARM7W          50
+#define TEGRA124_MC_HDAW               53
+#define TEGRA124_MC_HOST1XW            54
+#define TEGRA124_MC_MPCORELPW          56
+#define TEGRA124_MC_MPCOREW            57
+#define TEGRA124_MC_PPCSAHBDMAW                59
+#define TEGRA124_MC_PPCSAHBSLVW                60
+#define TEGRA124_MC_SATAW              61
+#define TEGRA124_MC_VDEBSEVW           62
+#define TEGRA124_MC_VDEDBGW            63
+#define TEGRA124_MC_VDEMBEW            64
+#define TEGRA124_MC_VDETPMW            65
+#define TEGRA124_MC_ISPRA              68
+#define TEGRA124_MC_ISPWA              70
+#define TEGRA124_MC_ISPWB              71
+#define TEGRA124_MC_XUSB_HOSTR         74
+#define TEGRA124_MC_XUSB_HOSTW         75
+#define TEGRA124_MC_XUSB_DEVR          76
+#define TEGRA124_MC_XUSB_DEVW          77
+#define TEGRA124_MC_ISPRAB             78
+#define TEGRA124_MC_ISPWAB             80
+#define TEGRA124_MC_ISPWBB             81
+#define TEGRA124_MC_TSECSRD            84
+#define TEGRA124_MC_TSECSWR            85
+#define TEGRA124_MC_A9AVPSCR           86
+#define TEGRA124_MC_A9AVPSCW           87
+#define TEGRA124_MC_GPUSRD             88
+#define TEGRA124_MC_GPUSWR             89
+#define TEGRA124_MC_DISPLAYT           90
+#define TEGRA124_MC_SDMMCRA            96
+#define TEGRA124_MC_SDMMCRAA           97
+#define TEGRA124_MC_SDMMCR             98
+#define TEGRA124_MC_SDMMCRAB           99
+#define TEGRA124_MC_SDMMCWA            100
+#define TEGRA124_MC_SDMMCWAA           101
+#define TEGRA124_MC_SDMMCW             102
+#define TEGRA124_MC_SDMMCWAB           103
+#define TEGRA124_MC_VICSRD             108
+#define TEGRA124_MC_VICSWR             109
+#define TEGRA124_MC_VIW                        114
+#define TEGRA124_MC_DISPLAYD           115

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