On 09.10.2020 17:58, Sakari Ailus wrote:

> Hi Eugen,
> My apologies for the late reply.


Thank you for replying,

> On Mon, Sep 07, 2020 at 09:16:57AM +0000, eugen.hris...@microchip.com wrote:
>> On 31.08.2020 11:50, Sakari Ailus wrote:
>>> Hi Eugen,
>>> Thanks for the update.
>> Hi Sakari,
>> Thanks for reviewing, but, could you please help me understand your
>> review below ?
>>> On Wed, Aug 26, 2020 at 09:51:41AM +0300, Eugen Hristev wrote:
>>>> Microchip CSI2DC (CSI2 Demultiplexer Controller) is a misc bridge device
>>>> that converts a byte stream in IDI Synopsys format (coming from a CSI2HOST)
>>>> to a pixel stream that can be captured by a sensor controller.
>>>> Signed-off-by: Eugen Hristev <eugen.hris...@microchip.com>
>>>> ---
>>>> Changes in v2:
>>>> - moved driver to platform/atmel
>>>> - fixed minor things as per Sakari's review
>>>> - still some things from v2 review are not yet addressed, to be followed up
>>>>    drivers/media/platform/atmel/Kconfig          |  13 +
>>>>    drivers/media/platform/atmel/Makefile         |   1 +
>>>>    .../media/platform/atmel/microchip-csi2dc.c   | 700 ++++++++++++++++++
>>>>    3 files changed, 714 insertions(+)
>>>>    create mode 100644 drivers/media/platform/atmel/microchip-csi2dc.c
>>>> diff --git a/drivers/media/platform/atmel/Kconfig 
>>>> b/drivers/media/platform/atmel/Kconfig
>>>> index 1850fe7f9360..80bbddcc2504 100644
>>>> --- a/drivers/media/platform/atmel/Kconfig
>>>> +++ b/drivers/media/platform/atmel/Kconfig
>>>> @@ -21,3 +21,16 @@ config VIDEO_ATMEL_ISI
>>>>         help
>>>>           This module makes the ATMEL Image Sensor Interface available
>>>>           as a v4l2 device.
>>>> +
>>>> +     tristate "Microchip CSI2 Demux Controller"
>>>> +     depends on VIDEO_V4L2 && COMMON_CLK && OF
>>>> +     depends on ARCH_AT91 || COMPILE_TEST
>>>> +     select MEDIA_CONTROLLER
>>>> +     select VIDEO_V4L2_SUBDEV_API
>>>> +     select V4L2_FWNODE
>>>> +     help
>>>> +       CSI2 Demux Controller driver. CSI2DC is a helper chip
>>>> +       that converts IDI interface byte stream to a parallel pixel stream.
>>>> +       It supports various RAW formats as input.
>>>> +       Performs clock domain crossing between hardware blocks.
>>>> diff --git a/drivers/media/platform/atmel/Makefile 
>>>> b/drivers/media/platform/atmel/Makefile
>>>> index 2dba38994a70..8af7c5b534c3 100644
>>>> --- a/drivers/media/platform/atmel/Makefile
>>>> +++ b/drivers/media/platform/atmel/Makefile
>>>> @@ -3,3 +3,4 @@ atmel-isc-objs = atmel-sama5d2-isc.o atmel-isc-base.o
>>>>    obj-$(CONFIG_VIDEO_ATMEL_ISI) += atmel-isi.o
>>>>    obj-$(CONFIG_VIDEO_ATMEL_ISC) += atmel-isc.o
>>>> +obj-$(CONFIG_VIDEO_MICROCHIP_CSI2DC) += microchip-csi2dc.o
>>>> diff --git a/drivers/media/platform/atmel/microchip-csi2dc.c 
>>>> b/drivers/media/platform/atmel/microchip-csi2dc.c
>>>> new file mode 100644
>>>> index 000000000000..97d07a80bbf7
>>>> --- /dev/null
>>>> +++ b/drivers/media/platform/atmel/microchip-csi2dc.c
>>>> @@ -0,0 +1,700 @@
>>>> +// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
>>>> +/*
>>>> + * Microchip CSI2 Demux Controller (CSI2DC) driver
>>>> + *
>>>> + * Copyright (C) 2018-2020 Microchip Technology, Inc.
>>>> + *
>>>> + * Author: Eugen Hristev <eugen.hris...@microchip.com>
>>>> + *
>>>> + */
>>>> +
>>>> +#include <linux/clk.h>
>>>> +#include <linux/module.h>
>>>> +#include <linux/of.h>
>>>> +#include <linux/of_graph.h>
>>>> +#include <linux/platform_device.h>
>>>> +#include <linux/pm_runtime.h>
>>>> +#include <linux/videodev2.h>
>>>> +
>>>> +#include <media/v4l2-device.h>
>>>> +#include <media/v4l2-fwnode.h>
>>>> +#include <media/v4l2-subdev.h>
>>>> +#include <media/videobuf2-dma-contig.h>
>>>> +
>>>> +/* Global configuration register */
>>>> +#define CSI2DC_GCFG                  0x0
>>>> +
>>>> +/* MIPI sensor pixel clock is free running */
>>>> +#define CSI2DC_GCFG_MIPIFRN          BIT(0)
>>>> +/* Output waveform inter-line minimum delay */
>>>> +#define CSI2DC_GCFG_HLC(v)           ((v) << 4)
>>>> +#define CSI2DC_GCFG_HLC_MASK         GENMASK(7, 4)
>>>> +
>>>> +/* Global control register */
>>>> +#define CSI2DC_GCTLR                 0x04
>>>> +#define CSI2DC_GCTLR_SWRST           BIT(0)
>>>> +
>>>> +/* Global status register */
>>>> +#define CSI2DC_GS                    0x08
>>>> +
>>>> +/* SSP interrupt status register */
>>>> +#define CSI2DC_SSPIS                 0x28
>>>> +/* Pipe update register */
>>>> +#define CSI2DC_PU                    0xC0
>>>> +/* Video pipe attributes update */
>>>> +#define CSI2DC_PU_VP                 BIT(0)
>>>> +
>>>> +/* Pipe update status register */
>>>> +#define CSI2DC_PUS                   0xC4
>>>> +
>>>> +/* Video pipeline enable register */
>>>> +#define CSI2DC_VPE                   0xF8
>>>> +#define CSI2DC_VPE_ENABLE            BIT(0)
>>>> +
>>>> +/* Video pipeline configuration register */
>>>> +#define CSI2DC_VPCFG                 0xFC
>>>> +/* Data type */
>>>> +#define CSI2DC_VPCFG_DT(v)           ((v) << 0)
>>>> +#define CSI2DC_VPCFG_DT_MASK         GENMASK(5, 0)
>>>> +/* Virtual channel identifier */
>>>> +#define CSI2DC_VPCFG_VC(v)           ((v) << 6)
>>>> +#define CSI2DC_VPCFG_VC_MASK         GENMASK(7, 6)
>>>> +/* Decompression enable */
>>>> +#define CSI2DC_VPCFG_DE                      BIT(8)
>>>> +/* Decoder mode */
>>>> +#define CSI2DC_VPCFG_DM(v)           ((v) << 9)
>>>> +#define CSI2DC_VPCFG_DM_DECODER8TO12 0
>>>> +/* Decoder predictor 2 selection */
>>>> +#define CSI2DC_VPCFG_DP2             BIT(12)
>>>> +/* Recommended memory storage */
>>>> +#define CSI2DC_VPCFG_RMS             BIT(13)
>>>> +/* Post adjustment */
>>>> +#define CSI2DC_VPCFG_PA                      BIT(14)
>>>> +
>>>> +/* Video pipeline column register */
>>>> +#define CSI2DC_VPCOL                 0x100
>>>> +/* Column number */
>>>> +#define CSI2DC_VPCOL_COL(v)          ((v) << 0)
>>>> +#define CSI2DC_VPCOL_COL_MASK                GENMASK(15, 0)
>>>> +
>>>> +/* Video pipeline row register */
>>>> +#define CSI2DC_VPROW                 0x104
>>>> +/* Row number */
>>>> +#define CSI2DC_VPROW_ROW(v)          ((v) << 0)
>>>> +#define CSI2DC_VPROW_ROW_MASK                GENMASK(15, 0)
>>>> +
>>>> +/* Version register */
>>>> +#define CSI2DC_VERSION                       0x1FC
>>>> +
>>>> +/* register read/write helpers */
>>>> +#define csi2dc_readl(st, reg)                readl_relaxed((st)->base + 
>>>> (reg))
>>>> +#define csi2dc_writel(st, reg, val)  writel_relaxed((val), (st)->base + 
>>>> (reg))
>>>> +
>>>> +/* supported RAW data types */
>>>> +#define CSI2DC_DT_RAW6                       0x28
>>>> +#define CSI2DC_DT_RAW7                       0x29
>>>> +#define CSI2DC_DT_RAW8                       0x2A
>>>> +#define CSI2DC_DT_RAW10                      0x2B
>>>> +#define CSI2DC_DT_RAW12                      0x2C
>>>> +#define CSI2DC_DT_RAW14                      0x2D
>>>> +
>>>> +struct csi2dc_format {
>>>> +     u32                             mbus_code;
>>>> +     u32                             dt;
>>>> +};
>>>> +
>>>> +static struct csi2dc_format csi2dc_formats_list[] = {
>>> const
>> Elements from this array are being selected in a dynamic list, and
>> pointed from a non-const array of selected working formats (at subdevice
>> completion time). If I make this const , I will get compiler warnings
>> when assigning to the non-const array.
>> What solution do you suggest for this ?
> You'll need to make the other instances const, too. They do not need to be
> modified I presume?

That's the problem I am trying to explain. I have a dynamic (initially 
empty) array that is filled with elements from this array  which yes, is 
constant, but if I qualify it as const, all const elements 'cannot be 
assigned to a non-const array' and if I make the dynamic array as const, 
then well, I cannot modify it.

>>>> +     {
>>>> +             .mbus_code =            MEDIA_BUS_FMT_SRGGB10_1X10,
>>>> +             .dt =                   CSI2DC_DT_RAW10,
>>>> +     },
>>>> +};
>>>> +
>>>> +enum mipi_csi_pads {
>>>> +     CSI2DC_PAD_SINK                 = 0,
>>>> +     CSI2DC_PAD_SOURCE               = 1,
>>>> +     CSI2DC_PADS_NUM                 = 2,
>>>> +};
>>>> +
>>>> +struct csi2dc_device {
>>>> +     void __iomem                    *base;
>>>> +     struct v4l2_subdev              csi2dc_sd;
>>>> +     struct device                   *dev;
>>>> +     struct v4l2_device              v4l2_dev;
>>> This device is a bridge; the V4L2 device should be registered by the master
>>> driver, i.e. the one handling DMA and registering the video nodes. Please
>>> drop this.
>>>> +     struct clk                      *pclk;
>>>> +     struct clk                      *scck;
>>>> +
>>>> +     bool                            video_pipe;
>>>> +
>>>> +     u32                             num_fmts;
>>>> +     struct csi2dc_format            **formats;
>>>> +
>>>> +     struct csi2dc_format            *cur_fmt;
>>>> +     struct csi2dc_format            *try_fmt;
>>>> +
>>>> +     struct media_pad                pads[CSI2DC_PADS_NUM];
>>>> +
>>>> +     bool                            clk_gated;
>>>> +     u32                             inter_line_delay;
>>>> +     u32                             vc;
>>>> +
>>>> +     struct v4l2_async_subdev        *asd;
>>>> +     struct v4l2_async_notifier      notifier;
>>>> +
>>>> +     struct v4l2_subdev              *input_sd;
>>>> +     bool                            completed;
>>>> +};
>>>> +
>>>> +static void csi2dc_vp_update(struct csi2dc_device *csi2dc)
>>>> +{
>>>> +     u32 vp;
>>>> +
>>>> +     vp = CSI2DC_VPCFG_DT(csi2dc->cur_fmt->dt) & CSI2DC_VPCFG_DT_MASK;
>>>> +     vp |= CSI2DC_VPCFG_VC(csi2dc->vc) & CSI2DC_VPCFG_VC_MASK;
>>>> +     vp &= ~CSI2DC_VPCFG_DE;
>>>> +     vp &= ~CSI2DC_VPCFG_DP2;
>>>> +     vp &= ~CSI2DC_VPCFG_RMS;
>>>> +     vp |= CSI2DC_VPCFG_PA;
>>>> +
>>>> +     csi2dc_writel(csi2dc, CSI2DC_VPCFG, vp);
>>>> +     csi2dc_writel(csi2dc, CSI2DC_VPE, CSI2DC_VPE_ENABLE);
>>>> +     csi2dc_writel(csi2dc, CSI2DC_PU, CSI2DC_PU_VP);
>>>> +}
>>>> +
>>>> +static inline struct csi2dc_device *
>>>> +csi2dc_sd_to_csi2dc_device(struct v4l2_subdev *csi2dc_sd)
>>>> +{
>>>> +     return container_of(csi2dc_sd, struct csi2dc_device, csi2dc_sd);
>>>> +}
>>>> +
>>>> +static int csi2dc_enum_mbus_code(struct v4l2_subdev *csi2dc_sd,
>>>> +                              struct v4l2_subdev_pad_config *cfg,
>>>> +                              struct v4l2_subdev_mbus_code_enum *code)
>>>> +{
>>>> +     struct csi2dc_device *csi2dc = csi2dc_sd_to_csi2dc_device(csi2dc_sd);
>>>> +
>>>> +     if (code->index >= csi2dc->num_fmts)
>>>> +             return -EINVAL;
>>>> +
>>>> +     code->code = csi2dc->formats[code->index]->mbus_code;
>>>> +     return 0;
>>>> +}
>>>> +
>>>> +static int csi2dc_try_fmt(struct v4l2_subdev *csi2dc_sd,
>>>> +                       struct v4l2_subdev_pad_config *cfg,
>>>> +                       struct v4l2_subdev_format *req_fmt)
>>>> +{
>>>> +     struct csi2dc_device *csi2dc = csi2dc_sd_to_csi2dc_device(csi2dc_sd);
>>>> +     struct csi2dc_format *fmt;
>>>> +
>>>> +     if (!csi2dc->completed) {
>>>> +             dev_dbg((csi2dc)->dev, "subdev not registered yet\n");
>>>> +             return 0;
>>>> +     }
>>>> +
>>>> +     for (fmt = csi2dc->formats[0]; fmt; fmt++)
>>>> +             if (req_fmt->format.code == fmt->mbus_code)
>>>> +                     csi2dc->try_fmt = fmt;
>>>> +
>>>> +     /* in case we could not find the desired format, default to 
>>>> something */
>>>> +     if (!csi2dc->try_fmt  ||
>>>> +         req_fmt->format.code != csi2dc->try_fmt->mbus_code) {
>>>> +             csi2dc->try_fmt = csi2dc->formats[0];
>>>> +             req_fmt->format.code = csi2dc->formats[0]->mbus_code;
>>>> +     }
>>>> +
>>>> +     return v4l2_subdev_call(csi2dc->input_sd, pad, set_fmt, cfg, 
>>>> req_fmt);
>>>> +}
>>>> +
>>>> +static int csi2dc_set_fmt(struct v4l2_subdev *csi2dc_sd,
>>>> +                       struct v4l2_subdev_pad_config *cfg,
>>>> +                       struct v4l2_subdev_format *req_fmt)
>>>> +{
>>>> +     struct csi2dc_device *csi2dc = csi2dc_sd_to_csi2dc_device(csi2dc_sd);
>>>> +     int ret;
>>>> +
>>>> +     if (!csi2dc->completed) {
>>>> +             dev_dbg((csi2dc)->dev, "subdev not registered yet\n");
>>>> +             return 0;
>>>> +     }
>>>> +
>>>> +     csi2dc_try_fmt(csi2dc_sd, cfg, req_fmt);
>>>> +
>>>> +     if (csi2dc->try_fmt->mbus_code != req_fmt->format.code) {
>>>> +             dev_dbg(csi2dc->dev, "CSI2DC unsupported format 0x%x\n",
>>>> +                     req_fmt->format.code);
>>> Please adjust the format into a supported one instead.
>> I thought that only the 'try_fmt' calls should adapt to something that
>> works. It is the same case for set_fmt ? This function cannot return
>> invalid format ?
> Correct. set_fmt should always return with a valid format.
> Perhaps merging csi2dc_try_fmt() to this function would help? It's not used
> elsewhere. It seems you're doing some redundant checks here, too.

But this would mean that this driver will not have a pure 'try_fmt' and 
what will happen on try attempts from the master driver ?

>>>> +             return -EINVAL;
>>>> +     }
>>>> +
>>>> +     ret = v4l2_subdev_call(csi2dc->input_sd, pad, set_fmt, cfg, req_fmt);
>>>> +     if (ret) {
>>>> +             dev_err(csi2dc->dev, "input subdev failed %d\n", ret);
>>>> +             return ret;
>>>> +     }
>>>> +
>>>> +     csi2dc->cur_fmt = csi2dc->try_fmt;
>>>> +     /* update video pipe */
>>>> +     csi2dc_vp_update(csi2dc);
>>>> +
>>>> +     dev_dbg(csi2dc->dev, "CSI2DC new format: 0x%x\n", 
>>>> req_fmt->format.code);
>>>> +     return 0;
>>>> +}
>>>> +
>>>> +static int csi2dc_formats_init(struct csi2dc_device *csi2dc)
>>>> +{
>>>> +     int i, j;
>>>> +     struct csi2dc_format *fmt = &csi2dc_formats_list[0];
>>>> +
>>>> +     csi2dc->num_fmts = 1;
>>>> +
>>>> +     csi2dc->formats = devm_kcalloc(csi2dc->dev, csi2dc->num_fmts,
>>>> +                                    sizeof(*csi2dc->formats), GFP_KERNEL);
>>>> +
>>>> +     for (i = 0, j = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(csi2dc_formats_list); i++, fmt++)
>>>> +             if (fmt->mbus_code == MEDIA_BUS_FMT_SRGGB10_1X10)
>>>> +                     csi2dc->formats[j++] = fmt;
>>>> +     return 0;
>>>> +}
>>>> +
>>>> +static int csi2dc_s_power(struct v4l2_subdev *csi2dc_sd, int on)
>>>> +{
>>>> +     struct csi2dc_device *csi2dc = csi2dc_sd_to_csi2dc_device(csi2dc_sd);
>>>> +     int ret = 0;
>>>> +
>>>> +     if (!csi2dc->completed) {
>>>> +             dev_dbg((csi2dc)->dev, "subdev not registered yet\n");
>>>> +             return 0;
>>>> +     }
>>>> +
>>>> +     if (on)
>>>> +             ret = clk_prepare_enable(csi2dc->scck);
>>>> +     else
>>>> +             clk_disable_unprepare(csi2dc->scck);
>>>> +     if (ret)
>>>> +             dev_err(csi2dc->dev, "failed to enable scck: %d\n", ret);
>>>> +
>>>> +     /* if powering up, deassert reset line */
>>>> +     if (on)
>>>> +             csi2dc_writel(csi2dc, CSI2DC_GCTLR, CSI2DC_GCTLR_SWRST);
>>>> +
>>>> +     ret = v4l2_subdev_call(csi2dc->input_sd, core, s_power, on);
>>>> +
>>>> +     /* if powering down, assert reset line */
>>>> +     if (!on)
>>>> +             csi2dc_writel(csi2dc, CSI2DC_GCTLR, !CSI2DC_GCTLR_SWRST);
>>> These go to the runtime resume and suspend callbacks.
>> Okay I will update

Another question is what happens when CONFIG_PM is not used, thus we do 
not have runtime resume and suspend callbacks ?

>>>> +
>>>> +     return ret;
>>>> +}
>>>> +
>>>> +static int csi2dc_s_stream(struct v4l2_subdev *csi2dc_sd, int enable)
>>>> +{
>>>> +     struct csi2dc_device *csi2dc = csi2dc_sd_to_csi2dc_device(csi2dc_sd);
>>>> +
>>>> +     if (!csi2dc->completed) {
>>>> +             dev_dbg((csi2dc)->dev, "subdev not registered yet\n");
>>>> +             return 0;
>>>> +     }
>>>> +
>>>> +     return v4l2_subdev_call(csi2dc->input_sd, video, s_stream, enable);
>>>> +}
>>>> +
>>>> +static int csi2dc_g_frame_interval(struct v4l2_subdev *csi2dc_sd,
>>>> +                                struct v4l2_subdev_frame_interval 
>>>> *interval)
>>>> +{
>>>> +     struct csi2dc_device *csi2dc = csi2dc_sd_to_csi2dc_device(csi2dc_sd);
>>>> +
>>>> +     if (!csi2dc->completed) {
>>>> +             dev_dbg((csi2dc)->dev, "subdev not registered yet\n");
>>>> +             return 0;
>>>> +     }
>>>> +
>>>> +     return v4l2_subdev_call(csi2dc->input_sd, video, g_frame_interval,
>>>> +                             interval);
>>>> +}
>>>> +
>>>> +static int csi2dc_s_frame_interval(struct v4l2_subdev *csi2dc_sd,
>>>> +                                struct v4l2_subdev_frame_interval 
>>>> *interval)
>>>> +{
>>>> +     struct csi2dc_device *csi2dc = csi2dc_sd_to_csi2dc_device(csi2dc_sd);
>>>> +
>>>> +     if (!csi2dc->completed) {
>>>> +             dev_dbg((csi2dc)->dev, "subdev not registered yet\n");
>>>> +             return 0;
>>>> +     }
>>>> +
>>>> +     return v4l2_subdev_call(csi2dc->input_sd, video, s_frame_interval,
>>>> +                             interval);
>>> If your driver is used with a MC-enabled master driver, you can drop all
>>> the v4l2_subdev_call() macros apart from the ones related to s_stream
>>> operation.
>> And the set frame interval for example, will it be sent to the sensor
>> automatically ?
>> I noticed that such operations on the master driver were not propagated
>> to the underlying subdevice. How does the master device 'know' how to
>> call the input_sd ? this input_sd is not referenced anywhere in the
>> master driver.
> That's correct. In MC-centric drivers it's the responsibility of the user
> space to configure the entire pipeline.
> As your device is a CSI-2 to parallel (?) converter, it may well be part of
> a complex pipeline that the master driver could not know about.
> I remember there was an existing stm parallel receiver that was tightly
> coupled by a CSI-2 to parallel IP block where the V4L2-centric model was
> used. But virtually all devices that are not just simple sensor + receiver
> with DMA are MC-centric.

Without these calls to the subdevice, the subdevice (csi2host and 
sensor) are not aware of anything configured on the master driver. How 
are such settings sent to the sensor ?

for example v4l2-ctl --list-formats-ext

# v4l2-ctl -d /dev/video0 --list-formats-ext
         Type: Video Capture

         [0]: 'AR12' (16-bit ARGB 4-4-4-4)
                 Size: Discrete 3280x2464
                 Size: Discrete 1920x1080
                 Size: Discrete 1640x1232
         [1]: 'AR15' (16-bit ARGB 1-5-5-5)
                 Size: Discrete 3280x2464
                 Size: Discrete 1920x1080
                 Size: Discrete 1640x1232
         [2]: 'RGBP' (16-bit RGB 5-6-5)
                 Size: Discrete 3280x2464
                 Size: Discrete 1920x1080
                 Size: Discrete 1640x1232

All this information is obtained because of the enum_frame_size callback 
to the subdevice

If I remove these,

# v4l2-ctl -d /dev/video0 --list-formats-ext
         Type: Video Capture

         [0]: 'AR12' (16-bit ARGB 4-4-4-4)
         [1]: 'AR15' (16-bit ARGB 1-5-5-5)
         [2]: 'RGBP' (16-bit RGB 5-6-5)
         [3]: 'AR24' (32-bit BGRA 8-8-8-8)
         [4]: 'XR24' (32-bit BGRX 8-8-8-8)
         [5]: 'YU12' (Planar YUV 4:2:0)
         [6]: 'UYVY' (UYVY 4:2:2)
         [7]: 'VYUY' (VYUY 4:2:2)
         [8]: 'YUYV' (YUYV 4:2:2)
         [9]: '422P' (Planar YUV 4:2:2)
         [10]: 'GREY' (8-bit Greyscale)
         [11]: 'Y10 ' (10-bit Greyscale)
         [12]: 'Y16 ' (16-bit Greyscale)
         [13]: 'RG10' (10-bit Bayer RGRG/GBGB)

All the frame information is no longer available.

So how can I obtain this information if I remove these callbacks that 
you say they should be removed ?

>>> If not, then you can drop the HAS_DEVNODE flag from the subdev flags. But
>>> I'd try to avoid this route if possible.
>>>> +}
>>>> +
>>>> +static int csi2dc_enum_frame_size(struct v4l2_subdev *csi2dc_sd,
>>>> +                               struct v4l2_subdev_pad_config *cfg,
>>>> +                               struct v4l2_subdev_frame_size_enum *fse)
>>>> +{
>>>> +     struct csi2dc_device *csi2dc = csi2dc_sd_to_csi2dc_device(csi2dc_sd);
>>>> +
>>>> +     if (!csi2dc->completed) {
>>>> +             dev_dbg((csi2dc)->dev, "subdev not registered yet\n");
>>>> +             return 0;
>>>> +     }
>>>> +
>>>> +     return v4l2_subdev_call(csi2dc->input_sd, pad, enum_frame_size, cfg,
>>>> +                             fse);
>>>> +}
>>>> +
>>>> +static int csi2dc_enum_frame_interval(struct v4l2_subdev *csi2dc_sd,
>>>> +                                   struct v4l2_subdev_pad_config *cfg,
>>>> +                                   struct v4l2_subdev_frame_interval_enum 
>>>> *fie)
>>>> +{
>>>> +     struct csi2dc_device *csi2dc = csi2dc_sd_to_csi2dc_device(csi2dc_sd);
>>>> +
>>>> +     if (!csi2dc->completed) {
>>>> +             dev_dbg((csi2dc)->dev, "subdev not registered yet\n");
>>>> +             return 0;
>>>> +     }
>>>> +
>>>> +     return v4l2_subdev_call(csi2dc->input_sd, pad, enum_frame_interval, 
>>>> cfg,
>>>> +                             fie);
>>>> +}
>>>> +
>>>> +static const struct v4l2_subdev_core_ops csi2dc_core_ops = {
>>>> +     .s_power = csi2dc_s_power,
>>> Please use runtime PM instead.

What happens if we do not have runtime PM ? (CONFIG_PM=n)
>>>> +};
>>>> +
>>>> +static const struct v4l2_subdev_pad_ops csi2dc_pad_ops = {
>>>> +     .enum_mbus_code = csi2dc_enum_mbus_code,
>>>> +     .set_fmt = csi2dc_set_fmt,
>>>> +     .enum_frame_size = csi2dc_enum_frame_size,
>>>> +     .enum_frame_interval = csi2dc_enum_frame_interval,
>>>> +};
>>>> +
>>>> +static const struct v4l2_subdev_video_ops csi2dc_video_ops = {
>>>> +     .s_stream = csi2dc_s_stream,
>>>> +     .g_frame_interval = csi2dc_g_frame_interval,
>>>> +     .s_frame_interval = csi2dc_s_frame_interval,
>>>> +};
>>>> +
>>>> +static const struct v4l2_subdev_ops csi2dc_subdev_ops = {
>>>> +     .core = &csi2dc_core_ops,
>>>> +     .pad = &csi2dc_pad_ops,
>>>> +     .video = &csi2dc_video_ops,
>>>> +};
>>>> +
>>>> +static int csi2dc_async_bound(struct v4l2_async_notifier *notifier,
>>>> +                           struct v4l2_subdev *subdev,
>>>> +                           struct v4l2_async_subdev *asd)
>>>> +{
>>>> +     struct csi2dc_device *csi2dc = container_of(notifier->v4l2_dev,
>>>> +                                     struct csi2dc_device, v4l2_dev);
>>>> +     csi2dc->input_sd = subdev;
>>>> +
>>>> +     return 0;
>>>> +}
>>>> +
>>>> +static int csi2dc_async_complete(struct v4l2_async_notifier *notifier)
>>>> +{
>>>> +     struct csi2dc_device *csi2dc =
>>>> +             container_of(notifier->v4l2_dev, struct csi2dc_device, 
>>>> v4l2_dev);
>>> Over 80 characters per line. Please check the rest of the driver, too.
>>>> +     int ret;
>>>> +
>>>> +     ret = v4l2_device_register_subdev_nodes(&csi2dc->v4l2_dev);
>>>> +     if (ret < 0) {
>>>> +             v4l2_err(&csi2dc->v4l2_dev, "failed to register subdev 
>>>> nodes\n");
>>>> +             return ret;
>>>> +     }
>>>> +
>>>> +     csi2dc_writel(csi2dc, CSI2DC_GCFG,
>>>> +                   (CSI2DC_GCFG_HLC(csi2dc->inter_line_delay) &
>>>> +                   CSI2DC_GCFG_HLC_MASK) |
>>>> +                   (csi2dc->clk_gated ? 0 : CSI2DC_GCFG_MIPIFRN));
>>>> +
>>>> +     csi2dc_writel(csi2dc, CSI2DC_VPCOL,
>>>> +                   CSI2DC_VPCOL_COL(0xFFF) & CSI2DC_VPCOL_COL_MASK);
>>>> +     csi2dc_writel(csi2dc, CSI2DC_VPROW,
>>>> +                   CSI2DC_VPROW_ROW(0xFFF) & CSI2DC_VPROW_ROW_MASK);
>>>> +
>>>> +     csi2dc->completed = true;
>>>> +
>>>> +     return ret;
>>>> +}
>>>> +
>>>> +static const struct v4l2_async_notifier_operations csi2dc_async_ops = {
>>>> +     .bound = csi2dc_async_bound,
>>>> +     .complete = csi2dc_async_complete,
>>>> +};
>>>> +
>>>> +static void csi2dc_cleanup_notifier(struct csi2dc_device *csi2dc)
>>>> +{
>>>> +     v4l2_async_notifier_unregister(&csi2dc->notifier);
>>>> +     v4l2_async_notifier_cleanup(&csi2dc->notifier);
>>>> +}
>>>> +
>>>> +static int csi2dc_prepare_notifier(struct csi2dc_device *csi2dc,
>>>> +                                struct device_node *input_parent)
>>>> +{
>>>> +     int ret;
>>>> +
>>>> +     v4l2_async_notifier_init(&csi2dc->notifier);
>>>> +
>>>> +     csi2dc->asd = kzalloc(sizeof(*csi2dc->asd), GFP_KERNEL);
>>>> +     if (!csi2dc->asd)
>>>> +             return -ENOMEM;
>>>> +
>>>> +     csi2dc->asd->match_type = V4L2_ASYNC_MATCH_FWNODE;
>>>> +     csi2dc->asd->match.fwnode = of_fwnode_handle(input_parent);
>>>> +
>>>> +     ret = v4l2_async_notifier_add_subdev(&csi2dc->notifier, csi2dc->asd);
>>>> +     if (ret) {
>>>> +             dev_err(csi2dc->dev, "failed to add async notifier.\n");
>>>> +             v4l2_async_notifier_cleanup(&csi2dc->notifier);
>>>> +             goto csi2dc_prepare_notifier_err;
>>>> +     }
>>>> +
>>>> +     csi2dc->notifier.ops = &csi2dc_async_ops;
>>>> +
>>>> +     ret = v4l2_async_notifier_register(&csi2dc->v4l2_dev,
>>>> +                                        &csi2dc->notifier);
>>>> +
>>>> +     if (ret) {
>>>> +             dev_err(csi2dc->dev, "fail to register async notifier.\n");
>>>> +             goto csi2dc_prepare_notifier_err;
>>>> +     }
>>>> +
>>>> +csi2dc_prepare_notifier_err:
>>>> +     of_node_put(input_parent);
>>>> +
>>>> +     return ret;
>>>> +}
>>>> +
>>>> +static int csi2dc_of_parse(struct csi2dc_device *csi2dc,
>>>> +                        struct device_node *of_node)
>>>> +{
>>>> +     struct device_node *input_node, *sink_node, *input_parent;
>>>> +     struct v4l2_fwnode_endpoint input_endpoint = { 0 }, sink_endpoint = 
>>>> { 0 };
>>>> +     int ret;
>>>> +
>>>> +     input_node = of_graph_get_next_endpoint(of_node, NULL);
>>>> +
>>>> +     if (!input_node) {
>>>> +             dev_err(csi2dc->dev, "missing port node at %s, input node is 
>>>> mandatory.\n",
>>>> +                     of_node->full_name);
>>>> +             return -EINVAL;
>>>> +     }
>>>> +
>>>> +     ret = v4l2_fwnode_endpoint_parse(of_fwnode_handle(input_node),
>>>> +                                      &input_endpoint);
>>>> +
>>>> +     if (ret) {
>>>> +             dev_err(csi2dc->dev, "endpoint not defined at %s\n",
>>>> +                     of_node->full_name);
>>>> +             return ret;
>>>> +     }
>>>> +
>>>> +     input_parent = of_graph_get_remote_port_parent(input_node);
>>>> +     if (!input_parent) {
>>>> +             dev_err(csi2dc->dev, "could not get input node's parent 
>>>> node.\n");
>>>> +             return -EINVAL;
>>>> +     }
>>>> +
>>>> +     sink_node = of_graph_get_next_endpoint(of_node, input_node);
>>>> +
>>>> +     if (sink_node)
>>>> +             ret = v4l2_fwnode_endpoint_parse(of_fwnode_handle(sink_node),
>>>> +                                              &sink_endpoint);
>>>> +
>>>> +     if (!sink_node || ret) {
>>>> +             dev_info(csi2dc->dev, "missing sink node at %s, data pipe 
>>>> available only.\n",
>>>> +                      of_node->full_name);
>>>> +     } else {
>>>> +             csi2dc->video_pipe = true;
>>>> +             csi2dc->vc = sink_endpoint.base.id;
>>>> +
>>>> +             dev_dbg(csi2dc->dev, "block %s %d.%d->%d.%d video pipe VC 
>>>> %d\n",
>>>> +                     of_node->full_name, input_endpoint.base.port,
>>>> +                     input_endpoint.base.id, sink_endpoint.base.port,
>>>> +                     sink_endpoint.base.id, csi2dc->vc);
>>>> +     }
>>>> +
>>>> +     csi2dc->clk_gated = of_property_read_bool(of_node,
>>>> +                                               "microchip,clk-gated");
>>>> +
>>>> +     dev_dbg(csi2dc->dev, "%s clock\n",
>>>> +             csi2dc->clk_gated ? "Gated" : "Free running");
>>>> +
>>>> +     ret = of_property_read_u32(of_node, "microchip,inter-line-delay",
>>>> +                                &csi2dc->inter_line_delay);
>>>> +
>>>> +     if (ret || csi2dc->inter_line_delay > 16 ||
>>>> +         csi2dc->inter_line_delay == 0) {
>>>> +             dev_dbg(csi2dc->dev, "assuming inter line delay = 16 
>>>> clocks");
>>>> +             csi2dc->inter_line_delay = 16;
>>>> +             ret = 0;
>>>> +     }
>>>> +     /* hardware automatically adds 1 */
>>>> +     csi2dc->inter_line_delay--;
>>>> +
>>>> +     /* prepare async notifier for subdevice completion */
>>>> +
>>>> +     of_node_put(sink_node);
>>>> +     of_node_put(input_node);
>>>> +
>>>> +     return csi2dc_prepare_notifier(csi2dc, input_parent);
>>>> +}
>>>> +
>>>> +static int csi2dc_probe(struct platform_device *pdev)
>>>> +{
>>>> +     struct device *dev = &pdev->dev;
>>>> +     struct csi2dc_device *csi2dc;
>>>> +     struct resource *res = NULL;
>>>> +     int ret = 0;
>>>> +
>>>> +     csi2dc = devm_kzalloc(dev, sizeof(*csi2dc), GFP_KERNEL);
>>>> +     if (!csi2dc)
>>>> +             return -ENOMEM;
>>>> +
>>>> +     csi2dc->dev = dev;
>>>> +
>>>> +     res = platform_get_resource(pdev, IORESOURCE_MEM, 0);
>>>> +     if (!res)
>>>> +             return -EINVAL;
>>>> +
>>>> +     csi2dc->base = devm_ioremap_resource(dev, res);
>>>> +
>>>> +     if (IS_ERR(csi2dc->base)) {
>>>> +             dev_err(dev, "base address not set\n");
>>>> +             return PTR_ERR(csi2dc->base);
>>>> +     }
>>>> +
>>>> +     csi2dc->pclk = devm_clk_get(dev, "pclk");
>>>> +     if (IS_ERR(csi2dc->pclk)) {
>>>> +             ret = PTR_ERR(csi2dc->pclk);
>>>> +             dev_err(dev, "failed to get pclk: %d\n", ret);
>>>> +             return ret;
>>>> +     }
>>>> +
>>>> +     ret = clk_prepare_enable(csi2dc->pclk);
>>>> +     if (ret) {
>>>> +             dev_err(dev, "failed to enable pclk: %d\n", ret);
>>>> +             return ret;
>>>> +     }
>>>> +
>>>> +     csi2dc->scck = devm_clk_get(dev, "scck");
>>>> +     if (IS_ERR(csi2dc->scck)) {
>>>> +             ret = PTR_ERR(csi2dc->scck);
>>>> +             dev_err(dev, "failed to get scck: %d\n", ret);
>>>> +             goto csi2dc_clk_fail;
>>>> +     }
>>>> +
>>>> +     ret = v4l2_device_register(dev, &csi2dc->v4l2_dev);
>>>> +     if (ret) {
>>>> +             dev_err(dev, "unable to register v4l2 device.\n");
>>>> +             goto csi2dc_clk_fail;
>>>> +     }
>>>> +
>>>> +     v4l2_subdev_init(&csi2dc->csi2dc_sd, &csi2dc_subdev_ops);
>>>> +
>>>> +     csi2dc->csi2dc_sd.owner = THIS_MODULE;
>>>> +     csi2dc->csi2dc_sd.dev = dev;
>>>> +     snprintf(csi2dc->csi2dc_sd.name, sizeof(csi2dc->csi2dc_sd.name),
>>>> +              "CSI2DC.0");
>>>> +
>>>> +     csi2dc->csi2dc_sd.flags |= V4L2_SUBDEV_FL_HAS_DEVNODE;
>>>> +     csi2dc->csi2dc_sd.entity.function = MEDIA_ENT_F_VID_IF_BRIDGE;
>>>> +     csi2dc->pads[CSI2DC_PAD_SINK].flags = MEDIA_PAD_FL_SINK;
>>>> +     csi2dc->pads[CSI2DC_PAD_SOURCE].flags = MEDIA_PAD_FL_SOURCE;
>>>> +
>>>> +     ret = media_entity_pads_init(&csi2dc->csi2dc_sd.entity, 
>>>> +                                  csi2dc->pads);
>>>> +     if (ret < 0) {
>>>> +             dev_err(dev, "media entity init failed\n");
>>>> +             goto csi2dc_probe_entity_err;
>>>> +     }
>>>> +
>>>> +     v4l2_set_subdevdata(&csi2dc->csi2dc_sd, pdev);
>>>> +
>>>> +     platform_set_drvdata(pdev, &csi2dc->csi2dc_sd);
>>>> +
>>>> +     ret = csi2dc_of_parse(csi2dc, dev->of_node);
>>>> +     if (ret)
>>>> +             goto csi2dc_probe_entity_err;
>>>> +
>>>> +     ret = csi2dc_formats_init(csi2dc);
>>>> +     if (ret)
>>>> +             goto csi2dc_probe_error;
>>>> +
>>>> +     ret = v4l2_async_register_subdev(&csi2dc->csi2dc_sd);
>>>> +     if (ret)
>>>> +             goto csi2dc_probe_error;
>>>> +
>>>> +     pr_info("Microchip CSI2DC version %x\n",
>>>> +             csi2dc_readl(csi2dc, CSI2DC_VERSION));
>>> dev_info(), please. Or just dev_dbg().
>>>> +
>>>> +     pm_runtime_set_active(dev);
>>>> +     pm_runtime_enable(dev);
>>>> +     pm_request_idle(dev);
>>>> +
>>>> +     return 0;
>>>> +
>>>> +csi2dc_probe_error:
>>>> +     v4l2_async_unregister_subdev(&csi2dc->csi2dc_sd);
>>>> +     csi2dc_cleanup_notifier(csi2dc);
>>>> +
>>>> +csi2dc_probe_entity_err:
>>>> +     media_entity_cleanup(&csi2dc->csi2dc_sd.entity);
>>>> +     v4l2_device_unregister(&csi2dc->v4l2_dev);
>>>> +csi2dc_clk_fail:
>>>> +     clk_disable_unprepare(csi2dc->pclk);
>>>> +     return ret;
>>>> +}
>>>> +
>>>> +static int csi2dc_remove(struct platform_device *pdev)
>>>> +{
>>>> +     struct v4l2_subdev *csi2dc_sd = platform_get_drvdata(pdev);
>>>> +     struct csi2dc_device *csi2dc = csi2dc_sd_to_csi2dc_device(csi2dc_sd);
>>>> +
>>>> +     pm_runtime_disable(&pdev->dev);
>>>> +     csi2dc_cleanup_notifier(csi2dc);
>>>> +     media_entity_cleanup(&csi2dc->csi2dc_sd.entity);
>>>> +     v4l2_device_unregister(&csi2dc->v4l2_dev);
>>>> +     clk_disable_unprepare(csi2dc->pclk);
>>>> +
>>>> +     return 0;
>>>> +}
>>>> +
>>>> +static int __maybe_unused csi2dc_runtime_suspend(struct device *dev)
>>>> +{
>>>> +     return 0;
>>>> +}
>>>> +
>>>> +static int __maybe_unused csi2dc_runtime_resume(struct device *dev)
>>>> +{
>>>> +     return 0;
>>>> +}
>>>> +
>>>> +static const struct dev_pm_ops csi2dc_dev_pm_ops = {
>>>> +     SET_RUNTIME_PM_OPS(csi2dc_runtime_suspend, csi2dc_runtime_resume, 
>>>> NULL)
>>>> +};
>>>> +
>>>> +static const struct of_device_id csi2dc_of_match[] = {
>>>> +     { .compatible = "microchip,sama7g5-csi2dc" },
>>>> +     { }
>>>> +};
>>>> +
>>>> +MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE(of, csi2dc_of_match);
>>>> +
>>>> +static struct platform_driver csi2dc_driver = {
>>>> +     .probe  = csi2dc_probe,
>>>> +     .remove = csi2dc_remove,
>>>> +     .driver = {
>>>> +             .name           = "microchip-csi2dc",
>>>> +             .pm             = &csi2dc_dev_pm_ops,
>>>> +             .of_match_table = of_match_ptr(csi2dc_of_match),
>>>> +     },
>>>> +};
>>>> +
>>>> +module_platform_driver(csi2dc_driver);
>>>> +
>>>> +MODULE_AUTHOR("Eugen Hristev <eugen.hris...@microchip.com>");
>>>> +MODULE_DESCRIPTION("Microchip CSI2 Demux Controller driver");
>>> Hmm. This line needs to be more specific. I'd just drop it.
>>> --
>>> Kind regards,
>>> Sakari Ailus
> --
> Regards,
> Sakari Ailus

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