On Mon, Oct 05, 2020 at 12:18:01PM -0700, Paul E. McKenney wrote:
> Aside from naming and comment, how about my adding the following?
>                                                       Thanx, Paul
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> C crypto-control-data-1

Let's call it something more along the lines of 
dependencies-in-nested-expressions.  Maybe you can think of something a 
little more succinct, but that's the general idea of the test.

> (*
>  * LB plus crypto-mb-data plus data.

The actual pattern is LB+mb+data.

>  *
>  * Result: Never
>  *
>  * This is an example of OOTA and we would like it to be forbidden.
>  * If you want herd7 to get the right answer, you must use herdtools
>  * 0f3f8188a326 (" [herd] Fix dependency definition") or later.

Versions of herd7 prior to commit 0f3f8188a326 ("[herd] Fix dependency 
definition") recognize data dependencies only when they flow through an 
intermediate local variable.  Since the dependency in P1 doesn't, those
versions get the wrong answer for this test.

>  *)
> {}
> P0(int *x, int *y)
> {
>       int r1;
>       r1 = READ_ONCE(*x);
>       smp_mb();
>       WRITE_ONCE(*y, r1);
> }
> P1(int *x, int *y)
> {
>       int r2;

No need for r2.

>       WRITE_ONCE(*x, READ_ONCE(*y));
> }
> exists (0:r1=1)


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