On 10/1/2020 6:59 AM, Moshe Shemesh wrote:
> Add reload limit to demand restrictions on reload actions.
> Reload limits supported:
> no_reset: No reset allowed, no down time allowed, no link flap and no
> configuration is lost.
> By default reload limit is unspecified and so no constrains on reload
> actions are required.
Nit: I think the spelling for the noun here would be "constraints"? Same
for a comment in the header file.
> Some combinations of action and limit are invalid. For example, driver
> can not reinitialize its entities without any downtime.
Good to see that checked in the core code.
> The no_reset reload limit will have usecase in this patchset to
> implement restricted fw_activate on mlx5.
> Signed-off-by: Moshe Shemesh <mo...@mellanox.com>
> ---
Other than the spelling hit and things pointed out by others, this looks
good to me.
Reviewed-by: Jacob Keller <jacob.e.kel...@intel.com>