On 9/5/20 7:13 AM, Wu, Hao wrote:
>> Subject: [PATCH v1 00/12] Intel FPGA Security Manager Class Driver
>> These patches depend on the patchset: "add regmap-spi-avmm & Intel
>> Max10 BMC chip support" which is currently under review.
>>            --------------------------------------------------
>> This patchset introduces the Intel Security Manager class driver
>> for managing secure updates on Intel FPGA Cards. It also provides
>> the n3000bmc-secure mfd sub-driver for the MAX10 BMC for the n3000
>> Programmable Acceleration Cards (PAC). The n3000bmc-secure driver
>> is implemented using the Intel Security Manager class driver.
> So this patchset contains two parts
> (1) adding a new class driver for Intel FPGA secure update.
> (2) a new driver which uses (1) to implement secure update for n3000 PAC.
Yes - that is correct
> And only part (2) depends on "Intel MAX10 BMC chip support" patchset.
> (Maybe you can provide a link to that thread).
> Is my understanding correct? If yes, is it possible to reorder these patches?
> At least there is no dependency on the class driver patches, right?
Yes - I'm splitting the patch set, and I'll provide links for the dependencies
on the MAX10 BMC Secure Engine patch set.
>> The Intel Security Manager class driver provides a common API for
>> user-space tools to manage updates for Secure FPGA devices. Device
>> drivers that instantiate the Intel Security Manager class driver will
>> interact with the HW secure update engine in order to transfer
>> new FPGA and BMC images to FLASH so that they will be automatically
>> loaded when the FPGA card reboots.
>> The API consists of sysfs nodes and supports the following functions:
>> (1) Instantiate and monitor a secure update
>> (2) Display security information including: Root Entry Hashes (REH),
>>     Cancelled Code Signing Keys (CSK), and flash update counts for
>>     both BMC and FPGA images.
>> Secure updates make use of the request_firmware framework, which
>> requires that image files are accessible under /lib/firmware. A request
>> for a secure update returns immediately, while the update itself
>> proceeds in the context of a kernel worker thread. Sysfs files provide
>> a means for monitoring the progress of a secure update and for
>> retrieving error information in the event of a failure.
> Maybe you can explain a little more on why we need to have this done
> via a class driver not just some internal code in max10 driver? This class
> driver will be reused in different cases? And why adding a new class
> driver not just reuse or extend fpga manager (existing fpga mgr is used
> to update fpga too).
Yes - I'll so that in the next patch set.
>> The n3000bmc-secure driver instantiates the Intel Security Manager
>> class driver and provides the callback functions required to support
>> secure updates on Intel n3000 PAC devices.
>> Russ Weight (12):
>>   fpga: fpga security manager class driver
> Intel FPGA Security Manager?
Yes - I'll make that change
>>   fpga: create intel max10 bmc security engine
>>   fpga: expose max10 flash update counts in sysfs
>>   fpga: expose max10 canceled keys in sysfs
>>   fpga: enable secure updates
>>   fpga: add max10 secure update functions
>>   fpga: expose sec-mgr update status
>>   fpga: expose sec-mgr update errors
>>   fpga: expose sec-mgr update size
>>   fpga: enable sec-mgr update cancel
>>   fpga: expose hardware error info in sysfs
> For these patches, is it possible to have a better title for these patches.
> Then it will be easier to know which component this patch is going to modify.
> e.g. fpga: ifpga-sec-mgr: xxxxxx
Yes. Thanks for the comments.

- Russ
> Thanks
> Hao
>>   fpga: add max10 get_hw_errinfo callback func
>>  .../ABI/testing/sysfs-class-ifpga-sec-mgr     | 151 ++++
>>  MAINTAINERS                                   |   8 +
>>  drivers/fpga/Kconfig                          |  20 +
>>  drivers/fpga/Makefile                         |   6 +
>>  drivers/fpga/ifpga-sec-mgr.c                  | 669 ++++++++++++++++++
>>  drivers/fpga/intel-m10-bmc-secure.c           | 557 +++++++++++++++
>>  include/linux/fpga/ifpga-sec-mgr.h            | 201 ++++++
>>  include/linux/mfd/intel-m10-bmc.h             | 116 +++
>>  8 files changed, 1728 insertions(+)
>>  create mode 100644 Documentation/ABI/testing/sysfs-class-ifpga-sec-mgr
>>  create mode 100644 drivers/fpga/ifpga-sec-mgr.c
>>  create mode 100644 drivers/fpga/intel-m10-bmc-secure.c
>>  create mode 100644 include/linux/fpga/ifpga-sec-mgr.h
>> --
>> 2.17.1

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