On Mon, Nov 19, 2007 at 04:38:02PM -0800, Andrew Morton wrote:
> On Fri, 16 Nov 2007 14:39:57 -0800
> mark gross <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > -#define MAX_FAULT_REASON_IDX       ARRAY_SIZE(fault_reason_strings) - 1
> > +#define MAX_FAULT_REASON_IDX       (ARRAY_SIZE(fault_reason_strings) - 1)
> hm.  The logic in there looks screwy.

I didn't like it when they added the -1 to the above, but after looking
at it sideways for a while I convinced myself that it was ok.  so I
thought it be good to add the parentheses.

> static char *fault_reason_strings[] =
> {
>       "Software",
>       "Present bit in root entry is clear",
>       "Present bit in context entry is clear",
>       "Invalid context entry",
>       "Access beyond MGAW",
>       "PTE Write access is not set",
>       "PTE Read access is not set",
>       "Next page table ptr is invalid",
>       "Root table address invalid",
>       "Context table ptr is invalid",
>       "non-zero reserved fields in RTP",
>       "non-zero reserved fields in CTP",
>       "non-zero reserved fields in PTE",
>       "Unknown"
> };
> #define MAX_FAULT_REASON_IDX  (ARRAY_SIZE(fault_reason_strings) - 1)
> char *dmar_get_fault_reason(u8 fault_reason)
> {
>       if (fault_reason >= MAX_FAULT_REASON_IDX)
>               return fault_reason_strings[MAX_FAULT_REASON_IDX - 1];
>       else
>               return fault_reason_strings[fault_reason];
> }
> so all invalid fault_reasons will cause us to display "non-zero reserved
> fields in PTE".

GAH!  Thats wrong.

I also don't like the use of >= here, its harder for me to parse in my
head than just >.

> Why not just do
>       if (fault_reason >= ARRAY_SIZE(fault_reason_strings))
>               return "Unknown";
>       return fault_reason_strings[fault_reason];
> ?

Why not indeed.  :)

> (might as well make fault_reason_strings[] const, too).

Thats a good thing too.

I'll put together a patch this morning to address these think-ohs.

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