Dear kernel hackers,

This is a message from below 0x7FFFFFFF. Please look at this bug (it's not a new concept but still):

I'm no expert but I'd guess the "complete freeze" part of the bug has to do with the kernel, no? It would be nice to have a system which always lets me choose to abort stuff regardless of what kind of program mess I accidently started. Sort of like how you can "always" count on CTRL-ALT-DEL to work. Maybe it's possible to set some kind of MAX_PROCESS_COUNT for each user (I don't know) but it looks like this is not done by default in many distros today?

I mean, this effectively took down both my laptop and made the server of my shared web hosting company unresponsive for >10 mins (maybe it had some auto-reboot mechanism, I'm not sure).

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