Michael> Please read and comment! :) There should be some discussion on what to do about filenames which contain colons in such a setup. Moving a file w/ a colon from a fs which does not support named streams to one which does should DTRT; exactly what TRT is should be discussed. -JimC -- James H. Cloos, Jr. <http://jhcloos.com/public_key> 1024D/ED7DAEA6 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> E9E9 F828 61A4 6EA9 0F2B 63E7 997A 9F17 ED7D AEA6 - To unsubscribe from this list: send the line "unsubscribe linux-kernel" in the body of a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] Please read the FAQ at http://www.tux.org/lkml/
- named streams, extended attributes, and posix Michael Rothwell
- Re: named streams, extended attributes, and posix Michael Rothwell
- Re: named streams, extended attributes, and posix James H. Cloos Jr.
- Re: named streams, extended attributes, and po... Michael Rothwell
- Re: named streams, extended attributes, an... Peter Samuelson
- Re: named streams, extended attributes... Michael Rothwell
- Re: named streams, extended attri... Peter Samuelson
- Re: named streams, extended attributes... Mo McKinlay
- Re: named streams, extended attri... Peter Samuelson
- Re: named streams, extended a... Mo McKinlay
- Re: named streams, extend... Michael Rothwell
- Re: named streams, extend... Mo McKinlay
- Re: named streams, extend... Michael Rothwell