On 7/30/20 10:27 AM, Pierre-Louis Bossart wrote:

Is this patch required if you've already constrained the period sizes for the
platform driver in patch1?

Yes or alsa will select 320 as default period size for it.

ok, then that's a miss in your patch1. 320 samples is a multiple of 1ms

typo: is NOT

for 48kHz rates. I think it was valid only for the 16kHz VoIP paths used in some versions of Android, but that we don't support in the upstream code.

To build on Takashi's answer, the real ask here is to require that the period be a multiple of 1ms, because that's the fundamental design/limitation of firmware. It doesn't matter if it's 48, 96, 192, 240, 480, 960 samples.

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