Am 28.10.2007 02:55 schrieb Adrian Bunk:
> Justifying anything with code with not GPL compatible licences has zero 
> relevance here.
> And there's value in making life harder for such modules with 
> questionable legality. As an example, consider people who experienced 
> crashes of "the Linux kernel" caused by some binary-only driver.
> Not that uncommon e.g. with some graphics drivers.
> This harms the reputation of Linux as being stable.

You are mixing up several distinct categories here: "out of tree"
!= "non-GPL" != "proprietary" != "of questionable legality" !=
"binary-only" != "causing kernel crashes".

> The solution is not to support proprietary drivers, the solution is to 
> get open source replacements.

So how do you propose to "get" those replacements? And what shall
users do during the time this "getting" may take?

> If it's low quality code doing something useful - well, how many hundred 
> people are on Greg's list only waiting for some driver they could write?

No idea. Obviously not enough to actually solve the problem.
What solution do you propose?

>> [D]o you think the world would
>> be a better place if all the existing out-of-tree modules
>> just ceased to exist, without any replacement?
> With your "without any replacement" you needlessly excluded the 
> reasonable solution:
> The solution is that someone other than the author either takes the 
> existing external code or rewrites it from scratch, submits it for 
> inclusion into the kernel, and maintains it there.

My "without any replacement" is just a description of reality.
All current external code I am aware of continues to exist only
because there is no in-kernel replacement.

Again: how do you propose to bring that solution of yours to pass,
how long do you think it will take, and what do you propose current
users of out-of-tree modules do in the meantime?

Without reasonable answers to these questions, your proposed
solution itself hardly qualifies as reasonable.

> Let me repeat that Greg has said he has hundreds of volunteers for such 
> tasks.

Even with hundreds of volunteers, your proposed solution of just
rewriting *all* external code in a way fit for inclusion into the
kernel is an unachievable goal. Just look at the list on
and try to answer why each of them is still out of tree.
Hint: In most cases it's neither out of malice nor stupidity on
the authors' part.

Of course in-tree code is always better than out-of-tree code. But
I maintain there will always be out-of-tree code (modules, drivers,
whatever) that fills a real need not (though hopefully, just not
yet) satisfied by any in-tree code. All I'm asking for is that you
take a pragmatic stance with regard to that: not going to any great
lengths to support it, but acknowledging its existence and
legitimacy - and not inciting to deliberately break it.


Tilman Schmidt                          E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Bonn, Germany
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