On Mon, Jan 08, 2001 at 10:30:39AM -0500, Martin Laberge wrote:
> the reference to sndstat and /proc/sound was found in
> drivers/sound/soundcard.c
IIRC it is only in the changelogs - and I don't want to play Big Brother on
source files ...
> thanks for your lights on this topic...
> is there nothing i can use anymore to check existence of sound drivers
> in kernel...
Nothing sound specific, no.
> these informations were very valuables when i was configuring my cards
> for the first time... sometimes the driver loaded but do not appeared in
> sndstat
> then i was able to change my configuration according to what i see in
> sndstat...
The problem is that the PCI drivers don't support this feature anymore.
Not sure wether ALSA, which will bring a unified (in-kernel) sound-API
again has such a feature.
Of course it doesn't work. We've performed a software upgrade.
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