On 6/4/20 2:25 PM, Martijn Coenen wrote:
> In faf1d25440d6, loop_set_status() now assigns lo_status directly from
> the passed in lo_flags, but then fixes it up by masking out flags that
> can't be set by LOOP_SET_STATUS; unfortunately the mask was negated.
> Re-ran all ltp ioctl_loop tests, and they all passed.
> Pass run of the previously failing one:
> tst_test.c:1247: INFO: Timeout per run is 0h 05m 00s
> tst_device.c:88: INFO: Found free device 0 '/dev/loop0'
> ioctl_loop01.c:49: PASS: /sys/block/loop0/loop/partscan = 0
> ioctl_loop01.c:50: PASS: /sys/block/loop0/loop/autoclear = 0
> ioctl_loop01.c:51: PASS: /sys/block/loop0/loop/backing_file =
> '/tmp/ZRJ6H4/test.img'
> ioctl_loop01.c:65: PASS: get expected lo_flag 12
> ioctl_loop01.c:67: PASS: /sys/block/loop0/loop/partscan = 1
> ioctl_loop01.c:68: PASS: /sys/block/loop0/loop/autoclear = 1
> ioctl_loop01.c:77: PASS: access /dev/loop0p1 succeeds
> ioctl_loop01.c:83: PASS: access /sys/block/loop0/loop0p1 succeeds
> Summary:
> passed   8
> failed   0
> skipped  0
> warnings 0

Applied, thanks.

Jens Axboe

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