On Sunday 07 January 2001 18:22, Michael H. Warfield wrote:
> On Sun, Jan 07, 2001 at 07:27:45PM -0500, Gregory Maxwell wrote:
> > On Sun, Jan 07, 2001 at 06:16:15PM -0500, Michael H. Warfield wrote:
> > > 99% of mine is from China (either *.cn or 163.com or some other
> > > numbering .com or .net. The .org is frowned upon in China - the TLD of
> > > protestors and disidents). Half of what's left comes from either .kr
> > > or .br. I'm fully in favor of an Internet Death Penalty against those
> > > TLD's and associated domains till they clean up their acts.
> >
> > Yea!
> > Next we'll take care of those subversive linux bastards that clog up our
> > big pipes with their communist kernel downloads!
> >
> > Unsolicited commercial email is a problem. However, many of the
> > 'solutions' are worse. Search for teergrube for a less subvertible aid.
> I already run several sugarplum sites with teergrubes. I also use
> various blackhole lists and take other action against spammers, including
> blocking entire rogue domains. If that rogue domain happens to be a two
> letter TLD, so be it. If it gets bad enough, maybe they'll fix it.
Hang 'em all and let God and the Devil sort them out? How enlightened...
> > You can pile on technological 'fixes' as much as you want, but no
> > technological measure that does not totally oppress free use of the
> > Internet will be affective. Education is the only solution, spam will
> > continue as long as it is profitable.
> Actually, the most fun with the Chinese is to take advantage
> of their "four horsemen of the Infocalypse". Ours (in the US and many
> other western countries) is "Drug Dealing", "Money Laundering",
> "Pedophiles", and "Terrorists". In China it's "Taiwan", "Tibet",
> "Dissidents", and "Pornography".
> In discussing the Spam problem with some Chinese officials in
> Beijing back in June of last year, they were really ho hum about the
> whole thing till I mentioned that a lot of the spam being relayed out
> of the Phillipeans through Chinese sites was promoting pornography.
> That got some people sitting up real tight. They didn't care that
> their pipeline in and out of China was oversubscribed by an order
> of magnitude and spammers were clogging it with trash, but they
> damn well did care if that trash had anything to do with pornography.
> I've heard some people suggest that they mail message back to
> spam sites in China thanking them for their mail and including some
> propaganda on Taiwan or Tibet. Maybe some Falun Gong literature would
> be nice...
Thereby killing how many hundreds of innocent people? China doesn't much
believe in fining minor offenders, remember.
You don't like Spam? Join the club. Blacklisting any domain - ANY domain -
for spamming, unless you can absolutely prove that no legitimate email has
ever been sent from that server, is completely unacceptable. You complain
about the wasted time and bandwidth caused by Spam messages - how much time
do you waste every year blocking legitimate messages?
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