Hi Pratyush, 

> +/**
> + * spi_nor_parse_profile1() - parse the xSPI Profile 1.0 table
> + * @nor:      pointer to a 'struct spi_nor'
> + * @param_header:   pointer to the 'struct sfdp_parameter_header' 
> + *         the 4-Byte Address Instruction Table length and version.
> + * @params:      pointer to the 'struct spi_nor_flash_parameter' to be.
> + *
> + * Return: 0 on success, -errno otherwise.
> + */
> +static int spi_nor_parse_profile1(struct spi_nor *nor,
> +              const struct sfdp_parameter_header *profile1_header,
> +              struct spi_nor_flash_parameter *params)
> +{
> +   u32 *table, opcode, addr;
> +   size_t len;
> +   int ret, i;
> +
> +   len = profile1_header->length * sizeof(*table);
> +   table = kmalloc(len, GFP_KERNEL);
> +   if (!table)
> +      return -ENOMEM;
> +
> +   addr = SFDP_PARAM_HEADER_PTP(profile1_header);
> +   ret = spi_nor_read_sfdp(nor, addr, len, table);
> +   if (ret)
> +      goto out;
> +
> +   /* Fix endianness of the table DWORDs. */
> +   for (i = 0; i < profile1_header->length; i++)
> +      table[i] = le32_to_cpu(table[i]);
> +
> +   /* Get 8D-8D-8D fast read opcode and dummy cycles. */
> +   opcode = FIELD_GET(PROFILE1_DWORD1_RD_FAST_CMD, table[0]);
> +
> +   /*
> +    * Update the fast read settings. We set the default dummy cycles to 
> +    * here. Flashes can change this value if they need to when enabling
> +    * octal mode.
> +    */
> +   spi_nor_set_read_settings(&params->reads[SNOR_CMD_READ_8_8_8_DTR],
> +              0, 20, opcode,
> +              SNOR_PROTO_8_8_8_DTR);
> +

I thought we have a agreement that only do parse here, no other read 
parameters setting.

Driver should get dummy cycles used for various frequencies 
from 4th and 5th DWORD of xSPI table.[1]

In addition, 20 dummy cycles is for 200MHz but not for 100MHz, 133MHz and 
in case of read performance concern.

Given a correct dummy cycles for a specific device. [2] 


> +   /*
> +    * Set the Read Status Register dummy cycles and dummy address 
> +    */
> +   if (table[0] & PROFILE1_DWORD1_RDSR_DUMMY)
> +      params->rdsr_dummy = 8;
> +   else
> +      params->rdsr_dummy = 4;
> +
> +   if (table[0] & PROFILE1_DWORD1_RDSR_ADDR_BYTES)
> +      params->rdsr_addr_nbytes = 4;
> +   else
> +      params->rdsr_addr_nbytes = 0;
> +
> +out:
> +   kfree(table);
> +   return ret;
> +}
> +

thanks & best regards,


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