From: David Brownell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Mon, 08 Oct 2007 21:36:43 -0700

> Don't need this "limit_1" timeout; "reset_done" handles all
> the timeout needed there.  The regs->fmnumber is essentially
> a millisecond counter.

If the hardware hangs and the register stops incrementing,
the entire kernel will hang.  That is unacceptable.

We do need it.

> > +           int limit_2;
> > +
> >             /* spin until any current reset finishes */
> > -           for (;;) {
> > +           limit_2 = PORT_RESET_MSEC * 2;
> This is the loop that didn't terminate for you, right?
> PORT_RESET_HW_MSEC is the ceiling you should use here,

Ok, fixed.

> What values do you see for "portstat"?


> I suspect there will be some flag set which would allow a more
> immediate exit from that loop.  RH_PS_CCS might clear, for example.

Absolutely nothing clears in the register from it's initial value.

Here is the patch with the limit_2 initial value fixed.

I kept loop_1 in there, it is necessary.  No kernel code should
hang in an endless loop because of malfunctioning hardware.

Signed-off-by: David S. Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

diff --git a/drivers/usb/host/ohci-hub.c b/drivers/usb/host/ohci-hub.c
index bb9cc59..9149593 100644
--- a/drivers/usb/host/ohci-hub.c
+++ b/drivers/usb/host/ohci-hub.c
@@ -563,14 +563,19 @@ static inline int root_port_reset (struct ohci_hcd *ohci, 
unsigned port)
        u32     temp;
        u16     now = ohci_readl(ohci, &ohci->regs->fmnumber);
        u16     reset_done = now + PORT_RESET_MSEC;
+       int     limit_1;
        /* build a "continuous enough" reset signal, with up to
         * 3msec gap between pulses.  scheduler HZ==100 must work;
         * this might need to be deadline-scheduled.
-       do {
+       limit_1 = 100;
+       while (--limit_1 >= 0) {
+               int limit_2;
                /* spin until any current reset finishes */
-               for (;;) {
+               limit_2 = PORT_RESET_HW_MSEC * 2;
+               while (--limit_2 >= 0) {
                        temp = ohci_readl (ohci, portstat);
                        /* handle e.g. CardBus eject */
                        if (temp == ~(u32)0)
@@ -579,6 +584,10 @@ static inline int root_port_reset (struct ohci_hcd *ohci, 
unsigned port)
                        udelay (500);
+               if (limit_2 < 0) {
+                       ohci_warn(ohci, "Root port inner-loop reset timeout, "
+                                 "portstat[%08x]\n", temp);
+               }
                if (!(temp & RH_PS_CCS))
@@ -589,7 +598,14 @@ static inline int root_port_reset (struct ohci_hcd *ohci, 
unsigned port)
                ohci_writel (ohci, RH_PS_PRS, portstat);
                now = ohci_readl(ohci, &ohci->regs->fmnumber);
-       } while (tick_before(now, reset_done));
+               if (!tick_before(now, reset_done))
+                       break;
+       }
+       if (limit_1 < 0) {
+               ohci_warn(ohci, "Root port outer-loop reset timeout, "
+                         "now[%04x] reset_done[%04x]\n",
+                         now, reset_done);
+       }
        /* caller synchronizes using PRSC */
        return 0;
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